• jayhawksean


    i use WP 2.0.

    when i get comments, I noticed that my comments indicator is no longer working on the main page. if i know i have a comment, i can click on the No Comments link and the comment still appears just fine on the linked page. it’s just missing on the main page. it’s possible that i messed up something, but i don’t think so.

    which php file has the comments indicator and how should it look (if this isn’t too much to ask)?

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  • fruitfly


    Either you fixed this or I don’t understand the question.

    When I look at your blog, I see entries with No Comments, entries with 1 Comment and then entries with more ( [4] Comments). Each one of those is a link that leads to the comments… working as expected.

    If you have fixed it, could you tells us what went wrong and what you did? It might help someone else. (And please mark this resolved while you’re at it.)

    If you haven’t, can you clarify what the problem is?

    Thread Starter jayhawksean


    no, you’re seeing things correctly in the broken state.

    the first two entries show No Comments. the second blog entry (Feb 10) that says, “No Comments” actually has 2 comments when you check inside.

    the 3rd entry says, “1 Comment” and it really has 2 comments buried inside, but the front page indicates just 1 comment and it should say 2 comments.

    i did add a coComment feature in the sidebar and it was after adding that when i noticed my problem. i merely copy-and-pasted code from the coComment site and i don’t think i deleted anything, but that’s why i am wondering what the code is for displaying comments.



    Usually the code for the comment link is in index.php, and looks something like this:

    <?php comments_popup_link('No Comments »', '1 Comment »', '% Comments »'); ?>

    (I took that from the default theme.)

    Though, I’d guess it has something to do with the comment count in your database in relation to the coComment stuff, rather than the code on the page. I’m not familiar with coComment though, so I couldn’t really say. If you remove coComment, does everything work as it should?

    Thread Starter jayhawksean


    i just removed coComment and the problem persists. i do appreciate that you’ve tried to help. i guess i’ve messed something up and i’ll probably have to figure it out by finding the php files on my computer that match the files on the server to see if i can spot the differences (e.g., something i accidentally deleted). this will teach me to mess around . . . or, to at least be more careful about backing things up first.

    thanks for trying.



    I just noticed the same problem. I have a site that I upgraded to 2.0 and new comments do not seem to increment the comment counts on the index or post pages. I use a “recent comments” plugin, but I don’t think that has anything to do with it. It seems to be a bug in 2.0. I have no solution suggestions; I just wanted to let you know I’ve replicated the bug.

    See bug here.



    Dear Word Press Volunteers,

    I don’t mean to hyjack this thread, but my question seems to go along with this question. I have comments enabled on my blog and people add comments occasionally (I think there are a total of 23 comments so far), but I would like it if there was an indication at the end of each blog entry that there are such and such a number of comments posted. When people read the blog entry on the main page of the blog they don’t see any indication of comments. It’s only after they go to the specific blog URL that they see the comments. How can I add this to my blog?

    Thank you. Laurie Bluedorn



    I have the same bug on my site as well. There are comments made to posts, but they’re not listed for some reason. The post will show as having “0” comments, or “No Comments,” even in the Admin panel. Anyone have any answer for this?



    Hi There,

    Unless I got my understanding completely wrong, I think whether comments should appear on the main page or not is a feature of the theme being used.

    As far as am aware, comments are coded in the main index.php page.

    As for why the number of comments are misquoted, sorry, I dont know about that.

    Sorry if I got the issue way off ??



    I don’t think it’s a problem with the theme. If it were only a problem with the theme, I would still see the number of comments associated with a certain post in the Admin panel. If I go to my Admin panel, go to Manage>Posts, for all pre-2.0 posts, I can see in the “Comments” column, the number of comments I have for each post. For post-2.0 posts, all posts show “0” under the “Comments” column, regardless of the actual number of comments that post has. So, for some reason, 2.0 is not logging the number of comments, or is not associating certian comments with their posts.



    I’m guessing veena was answering LaurieBluedorn’s question when she suggested the theme was the problem. Laurie’s layout doesn’t have a comment count in it; her problem is her theme. BTW, Laurie, you just need to add something like the following to your template where you want the comment count to appear:

    <?php comments_popup_link(__('Comments (0)'), __('Comments (1)'), __('Comments (%)')); ?>

    Unfortunately, Laurie’s problem has nothing to do with the bug we’ve identified. Perhaps, though, the code above (what I’m using in my theme) is old/legacy code that has been changed in 2.0? Anyone know? I haven’t had a chance to search through the codex…



    Doh! This issue was addressed in a prior support thread, at least as it relates to Spam-Karma. Versions of SK prior to 2.1 didn’t properly update the comment count option in the WP2 database, so if you are using an old version of SK, you either need to upgrade to a newer version or install the compatibility plugin. I’d suggest upgrading.

    My problem was due to running an old version of SK. When I upgraded to SK v2.2 and remoderated all my approved comments, the count issue was fixed.



    Thanks for the pointer jokeofalltrades. I was referring to Laurie’s question. Apologies for the ambiguous reply. I use wp2.0 with akismet which came inbuilt with wp2.0. The comment system works fine for me. So it could be something else which is causing the prob instead of core wp itself.



    Ah-HA! Yep, it was SpamKarma. I also upgraded to 2.2 and ran all my comments through all SK2 plugins, and now everything is working fine. Thanks for following up on this, Jokeofalltrades!

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