Hi again shawn.
Here is a quick and dirty work around and I’m not sure it’s the most elegant way.
Your theme generates an ordered list of comments
<li> comment and metadata </li>
<li> comment and metadata </li>
The hight of the comment should be at least equal to the hight of the gravatar image, and possibly this could be done in the style sheet. I’m not sure that tis will work in every browser. What you can do in markup is the following – my workaround.
After each comment you insert a break like this:
<li> comment and metadata </li>
<br clear="all">
<li> comment and metadata </li>
<br clear="all">
You cannot do this by hand for every comment of course – you have to search for the place in your fasttrack theme where the comments are generated and insert the break there.
Apart from that:
Regareding your theme I fond some strange style rules.
You have i style.css:
#commentlist {
color: #ccc;
This means that you set the style for a block with id=”commentlist”
In the markup, the list of comments has the markup
<ol class=”commentlist”>
Good luck with break thing!