I’m a newbie as well…so I know your pain… ??
Well…most blog sites I have seen (including my own) use the excerpt feature for post lists on the blog page…which makes the visitor click to see more which will automatically take them to the single posts page (I added a read more button at the end of my post excerpts so there is no confusion)…you could possibly add a comment link at the end of your posts, but I see this as becoming tedious to ensure it takes them to the right post…
Afaik, changing to a single post on your blog page will not solve the problem as like I said in my first post, I think the comments are restricted to the single posts page (not the same as the blog page)…but I could be wrong…
Well, I really need to get some sleep as I am nodding off…so others will have to take over from here…far more experienced members than me out there…I’ll check back tomorrow to see how you’ve made out…