Hey mished, I don’t think your post was a waste of time: I mean, I hadn’t thought of it, and God knows that, in theory, your solution is way more practical, ??
Indeed, your solution works in a way, but you have to implement it a little differently. I can’t believe my brain did not go here off the bat instead of to some complicated template modification (at least for enabling/disabling comments).
Rachel, here’s what you should do:
1. Go to your Dashboard, and under the “Settings” title, click on “Discussion” (this is under WP’s latest version, 2.9.1, because you did not specify what version of WP you’re running). Make sure that the option “Allow people to post comments on new articles” is checked. While you are here, you might want to take the time to customize your settings a little to suit them better to your needs.
2. Assuming your “About,” “Recommendations,” and “Contact” sections were added to your blog as Pages, and still in the admin panel, go to the “Pages” section. Notice that when you position your mouse on top of any of your pages, a menu appears with the following options: “Edit | Quick Edit | Trash | View”. Place your mouse on top of the first page that is listed, and when the menu comes up, Click on “Edit.” This will take you to the editing window. Scroll down a little, and you will notice a submenu entitled “Discussion.” In that submenu, uncheck the “Allow Comments” option. This will disable the comment feature in that page. Repeat this procedure for all the pages in which you wish to disable the comments feature, and presto, you are done!
LMK if that worked.
Good luck!