Sadly, eexlebots instructions did not work for me, and my comments are now even more wonky than they were before I ran the fix. I started with a clean install of 2.6, and imported two databases into one blog. The comments were there after the imports, but the numbers in the little comment balloons under Manage were all reading zero. Also, on single post view the comments were there, but above them it read “No comments.”
After running eexlebots phpMyAdmin fix, the comment numbers returned for the the latest posts, across both databases, but the comment numbers on earlier posts are all still reading zero.
And now, as if this weren’t enough to deal with, on the main dashboard page, the Recent Comments section is showing comments from three years ago, and not the most recent ones, which had until today’s db fix been showing up just fine.
I noticed 2.6.1 is available, and am wondering if anyone knows if this bug (if that’s what it is) has been sorted? I was going to wait until the next major release to upgrade, as my plugins are all working together nicely. But I’ll do it now, if it will fix this issue.
Baring that, does anyone have ANY ideas for how to proceed next?