• Hello,

    First of all thank you so much for such a great plugin.

    I am facing 3 problems if you could help me with
    1. Comments are visible in the backend but are not visible in the front end. They are approved and in the front end only the count of comments on specific post is visible.
    2. Sometimes a post with photo do not display the photo, instead it just display the text.
    3. How can I change the size of the photo?

    Hope somebody can help me with the stuff.



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  • Hi,

    Your appreciation makes us feel good. Thank you for your good words.

    1. There is no chance of behaving different in front and back. Please check if your theme has the comment template or not and if it is not corrupted.

    2. If there is an issue with a plugin, then it will not happen sometimes. It will happen always. So I guess there might be issue with your hosting server.

    3. You can change the size of the photo from your themes style.

    The issue is that the function in my theme uses get_comments_number() which returns zero for the imported comments because they are stored as comment_type=’fb_group_post’. If you remove the code that stores them as this type then the comment will show up.

    You need to modify the file group-to-wp.php on line 618.

    $commentarr = array(
                'comment_post_ID'    => $post_id,
                'comment_author'     => $fb_comment->from->name,
                'comment_author_url' => 'https://facebook.com/' . $fb_comment->from->id,
                'comment_content'    => $fb_comment->message,
                'comment_date'       => gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', ( strtotime( $fb_comment->created_time ) + ( get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ) ) ),
                'comment_approved'   => 1,
                'comment_type'       => ''
    			//'comment_type'       => 'fb_group_post'
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