• i’ve been having trouble with my wordpress blog telling people my comments are closed. i didn’t close them, and i don’t know why it’s closing it’s self. is there something in the code i should tweek to get this to stop?

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  • Anon, I used w.bloggar myself to test the problems dicussed in this thread (latest version, downloaded yesterday) . When I post with w.bloggar and the default comment option set to open, the comments stay open on my posts. You might be using an older w.bloggar version.
    I am starting work on an XML-RPC based blog posting application for windows. This application will you set your own RPC custom methods with help files suggesting different XML-RPC entry points for different applications (thus letting you post to multiple blogs from multiple vendors with the same post). Scheduled beta release is a months away though. ??

    LaughingLizard, that didn’t work for me.
    It closed my pings and comments when posting with w.bloggar, despite my defaults being as open for both. However, posting with Zempt didn’t result in this problem.
    I’d be interested in seeing this client of yours, once you release it, though. ??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    now that i’m using the actual onsite posting thing i have had no trouble so i guess it was w.bloggar. thanks for the help though. sorry i’m a bit clueless…

    As promised, here is the quiet release of blogPost 1.0 Beta:
    Here is a small list of features and bugs.

    #Features include (for now), posting to multiple blogs, comment and ping control, category control,
    –more– and –excerpt– modification ability.
    #Bugs: There are quite a few for now. I have not been able to test this on too many blog applications
    I know that the comments do not get blocked on MT, their documentation sucks
    If someone could get me an LJ code, I could test it on there
    Any others, let me know.

    Here is the download link to blogPost 1.0 Beta. Have fun!

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