As mentioned on the plugins options page under “WordPress SEO Comments Support”
For plugin support please go to the WordPress SEO Comments Support Page : The support forum system does NOT inform plugin authors of new support requests, basically to know you need help I’d have to regularly login to the WordPress support forum (could be days or weeks for a response).
Comments left on my site above result in instant email notification: you could have a response within hours.
So I read this for the first time 6 days after you posted here.
Anyway, don’t know why it would go blank (just white page?) at this point.
Did look at the theme you use Frontier.
I noticed it lacks a single.php file. The theme uses the index.php for the blog posts output.
In the last update I changed some code which if a template file didn’t exist it would revert to single.php as a backup.
Previously it would revert to index.php which at the time of the last update made sense to change to single.php. Here’s me assuming ALL themes have a single.php file, Doh! Will have to change that back ??
So if under the plugins options page you have the template set to single.php (or another file that doesn’t exist) it would now look for single.php (where before it would look for index.php) and since in your theme single.php doesn’t exist (unless you make it) you’ll have a problem.
The solution should be change the template option to index.php and it should work.
I’ve ticked the “Notify me of follow-up posts via email” for this support page so will get a notice if you respond here.
Really sucks WordPress support doesn’t have an automated plugin author notification option.