comment turn to wp-comments-post.php blank page
If I enable the plugin, when I comment on a post, the post page will turn to wp-comments-post.php blank page, and the comment doesn’t show. If I disable the plugin, I can comment normally.
Please help to solve this, thank you!
This must be a conflict with another plugin. What does your error log say?
Thank you for your reply!
I found this in nginx error.log:
2015/05/07 10:44:34 [error] 9681#0: *2305 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function request_filesystem_credentials() in /var/www/zyz/wp-content/plugins/nginx-cache/nginx-cache.php on line 250” while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: “POST /wp-comments-post.php HTTP/1.1”, upstream: “fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:”, host: “”, referrer: “”
Is this because that I didn’t set the domain name pointing to the IP address?
I have set the domain name, but the problem is still the same.
I’m using nginx 1.8.0, does this cause the plugin incompatible?Could you help me debug it by add this line:
debug_print_backtrace(); exit;
and then try adding a comment again and send me the output?Thanks for your reply!
Here is some information of the website:
WordPress version 4.1.4
PHP version 5.5.9-1 ubuntu4.9
MySQL version 5.5.43-0 ubuntu0.14.04.1
cURL version 7.35.0
Server nginx/1.8.0
Operating System Linux
PHP SAPI fpm-fcgiThe output is:
#0 NginxCache->initialize_filesystem() called at [/var/www/zyz/wp-content/plugins/nginx-cache/nginx-cache.php:169] #1 NginxCache->is_valid_path() called at [/var/www/zyz/wp-content/plugins/nginx-cache/nginx-cache.php:232] #2 NginxCache->flush_zone() called at [/var/www/zyz/wp-content/plugins/nginx-cache/nginx-cache.php:221] #3 NginxCache->flush_zone_once(13) #4 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => NginxCache Object ([] => tools_page_nginx-cache,[] => manage_options,[] => tools.php?page=nginx-cache),[1] => flush_zone_once), Array ([0] => 13)) called at [/var/www/zyz/wp-includes/plugin.php:496] #5 do_action(clean_post_cache, 13, WP_Post Object ([ID] => 13,[post_author] => 1,[post_date] => 2015-05-06 14:42:47,[post_date_gmt] => 2015-05-06 06:42:47,[post_content] => [wr_row width=”boxed” background=”none” solid_color_value=”#FFFFFF” solid_color_color=”#ffffff” gradient_color=”0% #FFFFFF,100% #000000″ gradient_direction=”vertical” repeat=”full” img_repeat=”full” autoplay=”yes” position=”center center” paralax=”no” border_width_value_=”0″ border_style=”solid” border_color=”#000″ div_padding_top=”10″ div_padding_bottom=”10″ div_padding_right=”10″ div_padding_left=”10″ ][wr_column span=”span8″ ][wr_text text_margin_top=”0″ text_margin_bottom=”0″ enable_dropcap=”no” appearing_animation=”0″ disabled_el=”no” ]1st article. This is the first article, we should say something about the website to let you know who we are. 2ndt article. 3rd article. 4th article. 5th article. 6th article. 7th article. A whole week.[/wr_text][/wr_column][wr_column span=”span4″ ][wr_text text_margin_top=”0″ text_margin_bottom=”0″ enable_dropcap=”no” appearing_animation=”0″ disabled_el=”no” ]ZYZ_2_Logo[/wr_text][wr_button div_margin_top=”0″ div_margin_bottom=”25″ disabled_el=”no” css_suffix=”” id_wrapper=”” el_title=”” button_text=”Button” link_type=”url” button_type_url=”https://” single_item=”” open_in=”current_browser” icon=”” copy_style_from=”0″ button_alignment=”inherit” button_margin=”” button_margin_top=”0″ button_margin_right=”0″ button_margin_bottom=”0″ button_margin_left=”0″ button_size=”default” button_color=”btn-default” appearing_animation=”0″ appearing_animation_speed=”Medium” div_margin=”” div_margin_left=”0″ div_margin_right=”0″ ][/wr_button][/wr_column][/wr_row],[post_title] => Article,[post_excerpt] => ,[post_status] => publish,[comment_status] => open,[ping_status] => open,[post_password] => ,[post_name] => article,[to_ping] => ,[pinged] => ,[post_modified] => 2015-05-06 21:00:21,[post_modified_gmt] => 2015-05-06 13:00:21,[post_content_filtered] => ,[post_parent] => 0,[guid] =>,%5Bmenu_order%5D => 0,[post_type] => post,[post_mime_type] => ,[comment_count] => 5,[filter] => raw)) called at [/var/www/zyz/wp-includes/post.php:5470] #6 clean_post_cache(WP_Post Object ([ID] => 13,[post_author] => 1,[post_date] => 2015-05-06 14:42:47,[post_date_gmt] => 2015-05-06 06:42:47,[post_content] => [wr_row width=”boxed” background=”none” solid_color_value=”#FFFFFF” solid_color_color=”#ffffff” gradient_color=”0% #FFFFFF,100% #000000″ gradient_direction=”vertical” repeat=”full” img_repeat=”full” autoplay=”yes” position=”center center” paralax=”no” border_width_value_=”0″ border_style=”solid” border_color=”#000″ div_padding_top=”10″ div_padding_bottom=”10″ div_padding_right=”10″ div_padding_left=”10″ ][wr_column span=”span8″ ][wr_text text_margin_top=”0″ text_margin_bottom=”0″ enable_dropcap=”no” appearing_animation=”0″ disabled_el=”no” ]1st article. This is the first article, we should say something about the website to let you know who we are. 2ndt article. 3rd article. 4th article. 5th article. 6th article. 7th article. A whole week.[/wr_text][/wr_column][wr_column span=”span4″ ][wr_text text_margin_top=”0″ text_margin_bottom=”0″ enable_dropcap=”no” appearing_animation=”0″ disabled_el=”no” ]ZYZ_2_Logo[/wr_text][wr_button div_margin_top=”0″ div_margin_bottom=”25″ disabled_el=”no” css_suffix=”” id_wrapper=”” el_title=”” button_text=”Button” link_type=”url” button_type_url=”https://” single_item=”” open_in=”current_browser” icon=”” copy_style_from=”0″ button_alignment=”inherit” button_margin=”” button_margin_top=”0″ button_margin_right=”0″ button_margin_bottom=”0″ button_margin_left=”0″ button_size=”default” button_color=”btn-default” appearing_animation=”0″ appearing_animation_speed=”Medium” div_margin=”” div_margin_left=”0″ div_margin_right=”0″ ][/wr_button][/wr_column][/wr_row],[post_title] => Article,[post_excerpt] => ,[post_status] => publish,[comment_status] => open,[ping_status] => open,[post_password] => ,[post_name] => article,[to_ping] => ,[pinged] => ,[post_modified] => 2015-05-06 21:00:21,[post_modified_gmt] => 2015-05-06 13:00:21,[post_content_filtered] => ,[post_parent] => 0,[guid] =>,%5Bmenu_order%5D => 0,[post_type] => post,[post_mime_type] => ,[comment_count] => 5,[filter] => raw)) called at [/var/www/zyz/wp-includes/comment.php:2346] #7 wp_update_comment_count_now(13) called at [/var/www/zyz/wp-includes/comment.php:2319] #8 wp_update_comment_count(13) called at [/var/www/zyz/wp-includes/comment.php:1929] #9 wp_insert_comment(Array ([comment_post_ID] => 13,[comment_author] => zhiyouzhan,[comment_author_email] => [email protected],[comment_author_url] => ,[comment_content] => Still doesn\’t work.,[comment_type] => ,[comment_parent] => 15,[user_ID] => 1,[user_id] => 1,[comment_as_submitted] => Array ([comment_author] => zhiyouzhan,[comment_author_email] => [email protected],[comment_author_url] => ,[comment_content] => Still doesn\’t work.,[comment_type] => ,[user_ID] => 1,[user_id] => 1,[user_ip] =>,[user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36,[blog] =>,[blog_lang] => zh_CN,[blog_charset] => UTF-8,[permalink] =>,[akismet_result] => false,[comment_author_IP] =>,[comment_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36,[comment_date] => 2015-05-07 18:44:11,[comment_date_gmt] => 2015-05-07 10:44:11,[filtered] => 1,[comment_approved] => 1)) called at [/var/www/zyz/wp-includes/comment.php:2083] #10 wp_new_comment(Array ([comment_post_ID] => 13,[comment_author] => zhiyouzhan,[comment_author_email] => [email protected],[comment_author_url] => ,[comment_content] => Still doesn\’t work.,[comment_type] => ,[comment_parent] => 15,[user_ID] => 1)) called at [/var/www/zyz/wp-comments-post.php:137]
Thank you, another quick test:
Remove the line:
debug_print_backtrace(); exit;
And replace it with:
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php');
Let me know if that fixes the issue entirely.
Yes, it works! Thank you for your help and time very much!
I don’t understand the code but I’m glad it finally works. And your plugin is very useful and convenient to purge the nginx cache.
Thank you again!
Problem solved, thanks Till!
I’m experiencing the same issue on my site I have tried implemented the code you suggested, but it does not work.
Here is the code in my nginx-cache.php file
<?php /* Plugin Name: Nginx Cache Plugin URI: Description: Flush the Nginx cache (FastCGI, Proxy, uWSGI) automatically when content changes or manually within WordPress. Version: 1.0 Text Domain: nginx-cache Domain Path: /languages Author: Till Krüss Author URI: License: GPLv3 License URI: */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; class NginxCache { private $screen = 'tools_page_nginx-cache'; private $capability = 'manage_options'; private $admin_page = 'tools.php?page=nginx-cache'; public function __construct() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'nginx-cache', false, 'nginx-cache/languages' ); add_filter( 'option_nginx_cache_path', 'sanitize_text_field' ); add_filter( 'option_nginx_auto_flush', 'absint' ); add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), array( $this, 'add_plugin_actions_links' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'register_settings' ) ); add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_admin_menu_page' ) ); add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', array( $this, 'add_admin_bar_node' ), 100 ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_admin_styles' ) ); add_action( 'load-' . $this->screen, array( $this, 'do_admin_actions' ) ); add_action( 'load-' . $this->screen, array( $this, 'add_settings_notices' ) ); // use <code>nginx_cache_flush_actions</code> filter to alter default flush actions $flush_actions = (array) apply_filters( 'nginx_cache_flush_actions', array( 'publish_phone', 'save_post', 'edit_post', 'delete_post', 'wp_trash_post', 'clean_post_cache', 'trackback_post', 'pingback_post', 'comment_post', 'edit_comment', 'delete_comment', 'wp_set_comment_status', 'switch_theme', 'wp_update_nav_menu', 'edit_user_profile_update' ) ); foreach ( $flush_actions as $action ) { add_action( $action, array( $this, 'flush_zone_once' ) ); } } public function register_settings() { register_setting( 'nginx-cache', 'nginx_cache_path', 'sanitize_text_field' ); register_setting( 'nginx-cache', 'nginx_auto_flush', 'absint' ); } public function add_settings_notices() { $path_error = $this->is_valid_path(); if ( isset( $_GET[ 'message' ] ) && ! isset( $_GET[ 'settings-updated' ] ) ) { // show cache flush success message if ( $_GET[ 'message' ] === 'cache-flushed' ) { add_settings_error( '', 'nginx_cache_path', __( 'Cache flushed.', 'nginx-cache' ), 'updated' ); } // show cache flush failure message if ( $_GET[ 'message' ] === 'flush-cache-failed' ) { add_settings_error( '', 'nginx_cache_path', sprintf( __( 'Cache could not be flushed. %s', 'nginx-cache' ), wptexturize( $path_error->get_error_message() ) ) ); } } elseif ( is_wp_error( $path_error ) && $path_error->get_error_code() === 'fs' ) { // show cache path problem message add_settings_error( '', 'nginx_cache_path', wptexturize( $path_error->get_error_message( 'fs' ) ) ); } } public function do_admin_actions() { // flush cache if ( isset( $_GET[ 'action' ] ) && $_GET[ 'action' ] === 'flush-cache' && wp_verify_nonce( $_GET[ '_wpnonce' ], 'flush-cache' ) ) { $result = $this->flush_zone(); wp_safe_redirect( admin_url( add_query_arg( 'message', is_wp_error( $result ) ? 'flush-cache-failed' : 'cache-flushed', $this->admin_page ) ) ); exit; } } public function add_admin_bar_node( $wp_admin_bar ) { // verify user capability if ( ! current_user_can( $this->capability ) ) { return; } // add "Nginx" node to admin-bar $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array( 'id' => 'nginx-cache', 'title' => __( 'Nginx', 'nginx-cache' ), 'href' => admin_url( $this->admin_page ) ) ); // add "Flush Cache" to "Nginx" node $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array( 'parent' => 'nginx-cache', 'id' => 'flush-cache', 'title' => __( 'Flush Cache', 'nginx-cache' ), 'href' => wp_nonce_url( admin_url( add_query_arg( 'action', 'flush-cache', $this->admin_page ) ), 'flush-cache' ) ) ); } public function add_admin_menu_page() { // add "Tools" sub-page add_management_page( __( 'Nginx Cache', 'nginx-cache' ), __( 'Nginx', 'nginx-cache' ), $this->capability, 'nginx-cache', array( $this, 'show_settings_page' ) ); } public function show_settings_page() { require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/settings-page.php'; } public function add_plugin_actions_links( $links ) { // add settings link to plugin actions return array_merge( array( '<a href="' . admin_url( $this->admin_page ) . '">Settings</a>' ), $links ); } public function enqueue_admin_styles( $hook_suffix ) { if ( $hook_suffix === $this->screen ) { $plugin = get_plugin_data( __FILE__ ); wp_enqueue_style( 'nginx-cache', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/settings-page.css', null, $plugin[ 'Version' ] ); } } private function is_valid_path() { global $wp_filesystem; $path = get_option( 'nginx_cache_path' ); if ( empty( $path ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'empty', __( '"Cache Zone Path" is not set.', 'nginx-cache' ) ); } if ( $this->initialize_filesystem() ) { if ( ! $wp_filesystem->exists( $path ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'fs', __( '"Cache Zone Path" does not exist.', 'nginx-cache' ) ); } if ( ! $wp_filesystem->is_dir( $path ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'fs', __( '"Cache Zone Path" is not a directory.', 'nginx-cache' ) ); } $list = $wp_filesystem->dirlist( $path, true, true ); if ( ! $this->validate_dirlist( $list ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'fs', __( '"Cache Zone Path" does not appear to be a Nginx cache zone directory.', 'nginx-cache' ) ); } if ( ! $wp_filesystem->is_writable( $path ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'fs', __( '"Cache Zone Path" is not writable.', 'nginx-cache' ) ); } return true; } return new WP_Error( 'fs', __( 'Filesystem API could not be initialized.', 'nginx-cache' ) ); } private function validate_dirlist( $list ) { foreach ( $list as $item ) { // abort if file is not a MD5 hash if ( $item[ 'type' ] === 'f' && ( strlen( $item[ 'name' ] ) !== 32 || ! ctype_xdigit( $item[ 'name' ] ) ) ) { return false; } // validate subdirectories recursively if ( $item[ 'type' ] === 'd' && ! $this->validate_dirlist( $item[ 'files' ] ) ) { return false; } } return true; } public function flush_zone_once() { static $completed = false; if ( ! $completed ) { $this->flush_zone(); $completed = true; } } private function flush_zone() { global $wp_filesystem; $path = get_option( 'nginx_cache_path' ); $path_error = $this->is_valid_path(); // abort if cache zone path is not valid if ( is_wp_error( $path_error ) ) { return $path_error; } // remove cache directory (recursively) $wp_filesystem->rmdir( $path, true ); return true; } private function initialize_filesystem() { ob_start(); // buffer output if ( ( $credentials = request_filesystem_credentials( '' ) ) === false ) { ob_end_clean(); // prevent display of filesystem credentials form return false; } if ( ! WP_Filesystem( $credentials ) ) { return false; } return true; } } new NginxCache;
Here is the error output from my nginx error log.
16/01/09 11:55:21 [error] 19850#0: *56348 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function request_filesystem_credentials() in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/nginx-cache/nginx-cache.php on line 250" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: "POST /wp-comments-post.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "", referrer: ""
Any assistance wit this issue is very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Note, I did not implement the debug code you supplied, because I wasn’t sure if you wanted the code to go within this line, or above it:
if ( ( $credentials = request_filesystem_credentials( ” ) ) === false )
Please clarify.
Thank you.
Yeah, did you add the following line:
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php');
above this line:
if ( ( $credentials = request_filesystem_credentials( '' ) ) === false )
Yes, I tried. It resolved the white screen issue after posting a comment. But, it causes my home page slider to disappear.
I’d try flushing your Redis database. If that doesn’t fix it, ask your web developer to have a closer look at it.
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