• It seems the auto-spammers have hit WP. They use programs like “Link Dump” to directly hit the wp-comments-post.php directly.
    Many of my hosting clients are getting hit with over 3-4000+ pieces of comment spam a day – – including my own blog.
    The moderation for spam is nice, including the filter list – however, when you’re getting that many spam hits in a day – you still get the emails and you still have to go in and delete the comments out of the queue — which is frustrating and timely.
    The trick is to stop them from sending the spam in the first place:
    Change the name of your wp-comments-post.php to something else – – I changed mine to something like: stopspam-post.php.
    Then in your wp-comments.php template — look for this code:
    <form action="<?php echo $siteurl; ?>/wp-comments-post.php" method="post" id="commentform">
    And change the wp-commens-post.php to the file that you renamed it to.
    For example, since I renamed my wp-comments-post.php to stopspam-post.php — that line in the wp-comments.php now looks like this:
    <form action="<?php echo $siteurl; ?>/stopspam-post.php" method="post" id="commentform">
    On a day that I was getting hit with over 4000 spam hits, the very minute I did this – it stopped and they haven’t returned. It doesn’t stop the one time spammer who actually clicks your comments link and manually enters their spam – – but those guys are easier to maintain than these autospammers.

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, any other tries for getting rid of this spammer?! I renamed the .post php file, changed the comments.php file to call the new .post php file and got the code that I put in the .post area from TG’s code and it still is popping up the automated spam, when I add a new blog into my comments section. This poker guy should be put to death. Any other ideas? Take a look to see and add a blog at https://www.hateboss.com/v-web/b2
    Any help would be appreciated. By the way, since I got the blogger from the plug-in from ipowerweb, I do not have a blog admin area, so I can’t inistall the plug-ins. The only access I have is the template section of the site to change those.

    Moderator James Huff


    Anon, have you tried all of these: https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/spam/ ?



    anon should upgrade his b2 to wordpress, so that he has all the options at podz’s page available to him.

    Moderator James Huff


    Can’t believe I didn’t think of that sooner. I just figured that maybe he has WordPress and just kept it at the b2 directory. This is the WordPress support forum after all.


    all these solutions might help, but cant we just stop the source? It seems that videopoker/casino/etc is all the same guy (the whois of those domains return same information) so someone should be able to stop him no?
    I found some email address on the whois : [email protected]
    i’m presuming that’s him, although it might as well be a non working address. this has just got to stop



    Same problem on my site within 24 hours of installing WordPress. Here are the blocked IDs:



    Richard – I’ve been following your comments through this thread and understand your frustration at not being answered. To flat-out answer your question about the number of links needed to send a comment to moderation – it’s simple- he”preloaded” the spam. What we found out was that he was repeatedly calling the wp-comment-post.php page directly, incrementing the post id each time.This 1) hit older posts, and 2) if there wasn’t a post with that ID, as soon as there is, the comment appears. He already had them loaded before you started chaning your comment link settings. So, in a nutshell, that’s how it happened.
    It was in the above situation that let me to find the loop hole for which there is now a fix for. Unfortunatly it does NOT fix existing pre-loaded spam, it will only catch new incomming spam.
    BTW: I got hit by texas hold’em and bad ass boy this weekend. Fortunatly, with all the stuff in place, it was minimal – only 4 posts got through, 3 were caught and put into moderation. Based on what I’ve seen here, it looks like I was able to survive by the skin of my teeth.
    Oh, and as for what does he get for click-throughs – nothing. It’s not click throughs spammers are after. It’s google ranking. Google determines the rank for a web site based on the number of incomming links. So if you get a site that has a lot of incomming links from multiple sites, well, you must be importaint to link to, and so gets moved up the listing.



    First – those IPs you’ve found are all Trojanned PCs. You can do lookups (I recognise the one beginning 194. as probably being somewhere in the UK) and complain. It might make a difference. But the estimate is that a few thousand Trojanned PCs join the bot nets every DAY, so it’s not like the spammers are going to run out of resources that way anytime soon.
    An effective weapon is the “Three Strikes Plugin” and also “Kitten’s Spaminator” (the latter builds on the former). Have a search for them. They’ll save a lot of this sort of pain, to be honest. Presently, I have 569 attempted spam comments which were auto-blocked by one or the other of those in the past week.
    My other suggestion (which is on my blog) is that we should fight this guy at his own game. We should *all* claim that we’re the best online p.k.r site. I bet that this thread alone will have some fine Googlejuice if only people link to it saying “excellent g-mbling”.
    There’s only one spammer, but there’s thousands of bloggers. Why let him dictate to us?


    I contacted the online poker people and threatened them with suing since they are liable for the spam. The spam stopped immediately.

    Moderator James Huff


    For the rest of us, what’s the email address that you used?


    threatened him too, 2 days nothing and bang, never been hit harder ?? . Think the email address is never checked or anything.
    I don’t understand how this one guy gets away with spamming the entire blog community


    Maybe it’s a bit of a savage soultion, but why don’t we setup a system to DDOS the poker joker?


    Thanks, I’ve done this also. I replaced the wp-comments-post.php with an unlikely name, just to add a little extra difficulty. As one poster has alsready said, the spammers probably read the support forums for all major blogging software.


    Sorry for the previous HI…
    I setup this blog and within 30 minutes i was getting hit by online casinos crap with religious texts…. I was just proud of it when this happened. now 1 hour later i found the rename trick… It seems to work for now but i still am affraid… how do they find a new blog like this, i did not even tell anyone about it!!!
    Will keep youposted…

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