When you say “it doesn’t show up under comments” are you saying on the “front-end” the pages a viewer sees, where you expect the comment to show up, it isn’t there?
I don’t know the Anarcho Notepad theme, but I assume the “Feedback” section on your dashboard is a widget informing you you have a new comment.
Out of the box, WordPress will ask you to confirm comments before they go live to your site. This is called Moderation. You can find your comments here:
Go to:
Settings => Discussion you can set your comments to be auto-approved (which I don’t recommend).
Check [ √ ] “Comment author must have a previously approved comment”
This will set it so that once you approve one comment from a user, there next comments will auto approve. One of my site has over 50,000 comments, and this setting works fine for keeping out the junk (along with Akismet)
You can also Check [ √ ] “Comment must be manually approved” if you want to approve every comment, or leave them both unselect to let the spammers of the world have free range on your comments (again, not recommended ;).
Hope that helps,