• Resolved HYP


    There are similar threads on this, but I couldn’t directly apply to my theme, so I had to start a new one, hoping someone can help:

    Each of my comments’ permalinks aren’t doing the jump-to as it’s supposed to on Firefox. When I click on comment #1 on a post, the address bar shows


    but nothing happens, the page doesn’t move to that comment, it just stays in one place (if you scroll the page to the top and click enter on the address bar, it won’t jump — same thing with the Recent Comments widget links)

    I guess it’s something to do with this part:

    <dt class="<?php echo $class; ?>">
    			<a href="#<?php comment_ID() ?>"><?php echo $commentCount."."; ?></a>

    but I’m at a lost, help please, thanks!

    Theme is Regulus

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  • Thread Starter HYP


    Bump, anyone?

    I guess I should say my site/blog is https://thehypeguy.com I really appreciate it!

    <dt class="<?php echo $class; ?>" id="#<?php comment_ID() ?>">
    			<a href="#<?php comment_ID() ?>"><?php echo $commentCount."."; ?></a>

    That should do it.

    Yes! Thanks JoyceD! That solved the Comment permalink when clicking in the comments section.

    (here comes part 2..)

    What about the Recent Comments widget? Right now, those links are still linking #comment- which doesn’t go to the comment. Do I put the same code in the Comments file?

    Thread Starter HYP


    *not to bump on purpose* just wanted to say ^ TheHypeGuy is me (I couldn’t find this account’s password for a moment and it was too late to Edit the above)

    carry on..

    Change the same part to this then:

    <dt class="<?php echo $class; ?>" id="comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>">
    			<a href="#comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>"><?php echo $commentCount."."; ?></a>
    Thread Starter HYP


    Hurrah! It worked again! JoyceD thank you so much! Very helpful and appreciated

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