• Hello,

    I Rewrite the permalink rule for custom permalink structure, As below

    /* add city wise permalink*/
    add_action(‘init’, ‘add_custom_rewrite_rules’);

    function add_custom_rewrite_rules() {
    	global $wp_rewrite;
    	$wp_rewrite->add_rewrite_tag('%city%', '([^/]+)', 'city=');
    	$pid = get_option('default_comments_page');
    	if($pid =='last'){ $pid ='1'; }else{ $pid ='1';}
    	if($location_post_type!='' ||!empty($location_post_type)){
    		foreach($location_post_type as $post_type){
    			$wp_rewrite->add_rewrite_tag('%'.$posttype[0].'%', '([^/]+)', $posttype[0].'=');
    			//$wp_rewrite->add_rewrite_tag('%event%', '([^/]+)', 'event=');
    			$wp_rewrite->add_permastruct($posttype[0], '/city/%city%/'.$posttype[0].'/%'.$posttype[0].'%', false);
    			//$wp_rewrite->add_permastruct('event', '/city/%city%/event/%event%', false);
    			$ver = filemtime( __FILE__ ); // Get the file time for this file as the version number
    			$defaults = array( 'version' => 0, 'time' => time() );
    			$r = wp_parse_args( get_option( __CLASS__ . '_flush', array() ), $defaults );
    			if ( $r['version'] != $ver || $r['time'] + 86400 < time() ) { // Flush if ver changes or if 48hrs has passed.
    				// trace( 'flushed' );
    				$args = array( 'version' => $ver, 'time' => time() );
    				if ( ! update_option( __CLASS__ . '_flush', $args ) )
    					add_option( __CLASS__ . '_flush', $args );

    then use the “post_type_link” filter which return the permalink

    add_filter('post_type_link', 'create_custom_permalinks', 10, 3);

    Custom permalink for detail page is work fine ,But It creates the problem when i use “ Comments pagination ” , When i click on pagination button it redirect me to the 404 page.
    Link e.g. https://localhost/mythemes/city/new-york/listing/zavino-pizzeria-and-wine-bar/comment-page-1/#comments = 404

    If i comment the permalink code then work fine .

    if i remove “comment-page-1” theme page comes fine..

    Can anyone help me to resolve this……

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