• hi..
    i’m trying to figure how i may have comments show somewhere, apart from the “comments (#)” link (<?php comments_popup_link(__('Comments (0)'), __('Comment (1)'), __('Comments (%')); ?>). as it is now, it seems that it opens up right where that link is… i’d really really rather that it didn’t.
    how may i keep the comments link where it is, but have all the comments code and text come up at another location on the page?
    i could really use a nudge in the right direction on this one…
    i’d like to avoid using the popup_comments option, as i am increasingly wary of pop-up windows (and they are more and more often blocked to avoid pop-up spam).
    also, how could i have the permalinked page of a post be absent of the comments and commentform? that is, have it look exactly as it did on the front/main page, except it would stand alone at its permalinked page.
    i’m just getting to know wordpress.. any/all help is very appreciated.

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  • Have you given any thought to the “show/hide” plugin?
    I forget where to find it, but a search of the support forum should easily turn that up.

    Thread Starter alicson


    …i wonder whether something like a.. print to #name_of_location might do the task.
    i’m thinking along the lines of something that would work the same way the [i] [b] [u] [url] buttons and such work, to automatically paste the commanded code into the proper form..
    would that work? i don’t know how to write the code myself to do so, or to even know if that’s what would work or not.. but that’s my best guess right now…

    Thread Starter alicson


    ‘still very stuck :-/

    This is not difficult (says he who has only ever used two php calls in his life). But surely what we need to do is identify the code which calls the comments in wp-comments.php and uplift it from there to where we want (like the menu or anywhere else). As long as we do not go outside the loop we are OK.
    The code required in this case starts with something like *if comments for each.* etc. Have a good look at the wp-comments.php. Php seems fairly intuitive, and you might find it easier than you fear. I have just hacked mine a bit and only modest amounts of cussing was necessary.

    Thread Starter alicson


    php does seem intuitive.. but you’re giving me a lot of benefit of doubt ?? it doesn’t quite speak to me yet. i will certainly try to use the direction you’ve offered, though… we’ll see how this goes..

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