• Hello,
    The links of my commentspopup page are not opening in a new page, how do I fix this? I’m talking about the url of the authors who leave comments…

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  • Thread Starter dulcechick


    Oh by the way, I tried adding target=”_blank” to this tag <?php comment_author_link() ?> but I received an error… somebody please help me.

    A word of warning: This will break XHTML 1.0 strict validation but…
    Here is the fix:
    Find the line below in your template-functions.php (which is inside your wp-includes folder):
    echo ‘” rel=”external”>’ . $author . ‘‘;
    And replace it with:
    echo ‘” target=”_blank” rel=”external”>’ . $author . ‘‘;

    Which is what I put in the hack. ??

    LOL…QOTK (quick on the keyboard)… ??

    *LOL* ??

    Thread Starter dulcechick


    wow, thank you so much! ??

    Thread Starter dulcechick


    I have another problem regarding the comments I don’t know If I should create a new topic or just post it here instead? :-/

    Thread Starter dulcechick


    I can see that the comments are placed ascending, how do I place the comments descending? I just want the new posts in the top.

    open your b2comments.php and scrolldown to line 17 and you’ll see <b>comment_date”);</b> just add DESC so it will look like this <b>comment_date DECS”);</b> try it. it should work ??

    open your b2comments.php and scrolldown to line 17 and you’ll see
    just add DESC so it will look like this
    comment_date DECS”);
    try it. it should work ??

    open your b2comments.php and scrolldown to line 17 and you’ll see
    just add DESC so it will look like this
    comment_date DESC”);
    try it. it should work ??

    sorry for the multiple post, if you’re using the b2comments popup then edit the
    b2commentspopup.php in line 28 just add the DESC right after the comment_date

    Thread Starter dulcechick


    Now I’m getting a lot of errors when I try to login to b2login.php ??
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/dulcechi/public_html/wordpress/b2-include/b2template.functions.php:1582) in /home/dulcechi/public_html/wordpress/b2login.php on line 256
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/dulcechi/public_html/wordpress/b2-include/b2template.functions.php:1582) in /home/dulcechi/public_html/wordpress/b2login.php on line 257
    Should I change the permissions to 777 or something?

    That couldn’t be related to the above comments for the DESC as you only did the template for the comments, right?
    Looks like you have another error in your b2-includes. Nothing to do with CHMODing, you probably messed around in there and you just need to restore it to your back up. ??

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