• sparxx41


    Hi all,

    Everytime anyone tries to leave a comment, they receive this error:

    Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.

    I ran the database repair without any errors and cleaned out my comments database, still not working..

    Any ideas would be much appreciated .. Thanks

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  • tc8


    I am getting this too now. Were you able to resolve this Sparxx41?


    ‘Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy’



    I am getting the same, “Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds.”, on all comments after one user posts a comment in a single 24 hour period. Is this the same for you folks or are you getting that no matter what?



    I am still seeing the ‘”Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds.”, on all comments after one user posts a comment in a single 24 hour period’ problem today. Web searches are not finding the answer. It would be really nice to see some suggestions from some WordPress gurus on how to go about solving this problem.

    *BUMP* Still having this problem. I would really like to see a response from someone that knows about this and has a suggestion on what to try to fix it.

    Ok, it was the theme I was using (“Unnamed Special Edition” downloaded from WordPress theme repository). I changed themes and comments appear to be working.

    I’ve been getting this problem a lot too. The comment flood block even works on me, the admin of the site, and even though I wait something like five minutes in between comments. It’s really annoying, so any help from WP higher-ups would be greatly appreciated!

    Note: I am not a WP higher up.

    I did find that for me this was a theme based problem. Try using a newer or different WordPress theme. I ended up with one downloaded from https://www.freewordpressthemes.com/ for my company blog at https://blog.eracc.com/ .

    eracc, just disable “live commenting” for the Unnamed option. It’s working for me after i disabled it.

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