• I’m discovering that the EDIT/DELETE features for comments only appears for user 1 in the admin control panel in WP1.2.
    So even if user 2 is level 10, that person cannot edit/delete through the admin panel. However, they can still edit/delete comments by going to the comments themselves through index.php.
    Seems kinda odd to not allow them to edit through the cp but allow them to edit through index.php. I would like user 2 to be able to edit/delete comments through the admin cp as well.

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  • i find that only user that created the post can delete comments in the control panel. even if all users are level 10.

    does anyone have a fix for this so any level 10 user can delete any comments?

    ok, i figured this out.

    wordpress policy seems to be that a level N user can only edit/delete the comments from level N-1 user posts. this is probably why normally users are restricted to level 9 (so the admin user at level 10 can do anything).

    this doesn’t really make sense because a level N user can edit the contents of another level N user’s posts.

    anyway, the fix is to go through edit.php and edit-comments.php and change code that looks like this:
    ($user_level > $authordata->user_level)
    and add an = sign to make it look like this:
    ($user_level >= $authordata->user_level)

    if you have the wpblacklist plugin, you’ll also want to edit the wpblsearch.php and wpblmoderate.php files.

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