Comment Count On Page Lists
I would like to have the amount of comments a page has when it’s being shown as a list. For example:
Like you see here with my archives list: would like that for my pages list on this page: way when viewers go to my Discuss page, they are able to see how many comments each subpage has.
Makes sense?
still need help with this.
You can check with different plugins that are avail for wordpress..
Shane G.
Shane, I have searched for a plug-in and I cannot find one.
That’s why I posted the topic. -_-
I would dig into your .php file that controls your archives page and see if you can pull some code from there and use it for your pages, since you’re looking for similar functionality.
I don’t have the expertise to give you a specific solution to your problem, but that’s what I would try to do.
Asecrest, I tried that and it gave me a fatal error.
If I was to post the archives.php (which is actually run by a plugin) are you able to lead me to the right direction?
here’s the php for the plugin:
<?php /*
Plugin Name: Clean Archives Reloaded
Plugin URI:
Description: A slick, Javascript-enhanced post archive list generator for WordPress 2.5+.
Version: 3.1.5
Author: Viper007Bond
Author URI:**************************************************************************
Copyright (C) 2008 Viper007Bond
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.**************************************************************************/
class CleanArchivesReloaded {
# Configuration has been moved to the new options page at Settings -> Clean Archives.
# You can also set the configuration via the shortcode tag.// Class initialization
function CleanArchivesReloaded() {
if ( !function_exists(‘add_shortcode’) ) return;// Load up the localization file if we’re using WordPress in a different language
// Place it in this plugin’s “languages” folder and name it “car-[value in wp-config].mo”
load_plugin_textdomain( ‘clean-archives-reloaded’, FALSE, ‘/clean-archives-reloaded/languages’ );// Make sure all the plugin options have defaults set
if ( FALSE === get_option(‘car_usejs’) ) add_option( ‘car_usejs’, 1 );
if ( FALSE === get_option(‘car_monthorder’) ) add_option( ‘car_monthorder’, ‘new’ );
if ( FALSE === get_option(‘car_postorder’) ) add_option( ‘car_postorder’, ‘new’ );
if ( FALSE === get_option(‘car_dynamicload’) ) add_option( ‘car_dynamicload’, NULL );// Register all the hooks
add_action( ‘admin_menu’, array(&$this, ‘AddAdminMenu’) );
add_shortcode( ‘cleanarchivesreloaded’ , array(&$this, ‘PostList’) );
add_shortcode( ‘cartotalposts’ , array(&$this, ‘PostCount’) );
add_filter( ‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’, 11 ); // For the text widget// Hook into wp_head early so we can potentially look for posts
add_action( ‘wp_head’, array(&$this, ‘MaybeEnqueueCSSJavascript’), 1 );// For users with a persistent object caching plugin installed, we need to dump the cache in some cases
add_action( ‘save_post’, array(&$this, ‘DeleteCache’) );
add_action( ‘edit_post’, array(&$this, ‘DeleteCache’) );
add_action( ‘delete_post’, array(&$this, ‘DeleteCache’) );
}// Register the admin menu
function AddAdminMenu() {
add_options_page( __(‘Clean Archives Reloaded’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’), __(‘Clean Archives’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’), ‘manage_options’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’, array(&$this, ‘OptionsPage’) );
}// The options page for this plugin
function OptionsPage() { ?><div class=”wrap”>
<h2><?php _e(‘Clean Archives Reloaded’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’); ?></h2><form method=”post” action=”options.php”>
<?php wp_nonce_field(‘update-options’) ?><table class=”form-table”>
<th scope=”row” colspan=”2″ class=”th-full”>
<label for=”car_usejs”>
<input name=”car_usejs” type=”checkbox” id=”car_usejs” value=”1″ <?php checked( ‘1’, get_option(‘car_usejs’) ); ?> />
<?php _e(‘Use Javascript to make the months collapsible’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’); ?>
<th scope=”row” colspan=”2″ class=”th-full”>
<label for=”car_dynamicload”>
<input name=”car_dynamicload” type=”checkbox” id=”car_dynamicload” value=”1″ <?php checked( ‘1’, get_option(‘car_dynamicload’) ); ?> />
<?php _e(“Only load the Javascript files when displaying an archive (this will break the archive list if it’s used in your sidebar)”, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’); ?>
<tr valign=”top”>
<th scope=”row”><?php _e(‘Month Ordering’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’); ?></th>
<label><input name=”car_monthorder” type=”radio” value=”new” <?php checked( ‘new’, get_option(‘car_monthorder’) ); ?> /> <?php _e(‘Show newest months first’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’); ?></label>
<label><input name=”car_monthorder” type=”radio” value=”old” <?php checked( ‘old’, get_option(‘car_monthorder’) ); ?> /> <?php _e(‘Show oldest months first’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’); ?></label>
<tr valign=”top”>
<th scope=”row”><?php _e(‘Post Ordering’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’); ?></th>
<p><?php _e(‘Within individual months…’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’); ?></p>
<label><input name=”car_postorder” type=”radio” value=”new” <?php checked( ‘new’, get_option(‘car_postorder’) ); ?> /> <?php _e(‘Show newest posts first’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’); ?></label>
<label><input name=”car_postorder” type=”radio” value=”old” <?php checked( ‘old’, get_option(‘car_postorder’) ); ?> /> <?php _e(‘Show oldest posts first’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’); ?></label>
</table><p class=”submit”>
<input type=”submit” name=”Submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Save Changes’) ?>” />
<input type=”hidden” name=”action” value=”update” />
<input type=”hidden” name=”page_options” value=”car_usejs,car_monthorder,car_postorder,car_dynamicload” />
}// If the user wants to, then look forward at the posts or Page to be displayed and check for the shortcode
// This allows for only loading jQuery and this plugin’s CSS/JS when the archive will be displayed
function MaybeEnqueueCSSJavascript() {
global $wp_query;// If the user opted to only have the JS/CSS loaded when the archive is to be displayed, then check for it
if ( 1 == get_option(‘car_dynamicload’) ) {
// Abort if no posts (obviously)
if ( !is_array($wp_query->posts) || empty($wp_query->posts) ) return;// Loop through each post looking for the shortcode
foreach ( $wp_query->posts as $post ) {
if ( FALSE !== stristr( $post->post_content, ‘[cleanarchivesreloaded’) || FALSE !== stristr( $post->post_content, ‘[cartotalposts’) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( ‘jquery’ );
add_action( ‘wp_head’, array(&$this, ‘OutputCSSJavascript’) ); // Even though we’re in wp_head right now, default of 10 is greater than 1
}// Else load regardless
else {
wp_enqueue_script( ‘jquery’ );
add_action( ‘wp_head’, array(&$this, ‘OutputCSSJavascript’) ); // Even though we’re in wp_head right now, default of 10 is greater than 1
}// Output a little helper CSS and the Javascript for the plugin
// Based on code from
function OutputCSSJavascript() { ?><!– Clean Archives Reloaded v3.1.2 | –>
<style type=”text/css”>.car-collapse .car-yearmonth { cursor: s-resize; } </style>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
/* <![CDATA[ */
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(‘.car-collapse’).find(‘.car-yearmonth’).click(function() {
jQuery(‘.car-collapse’).find(‘.car-toggler’).click(function() {
if ( ‘<?php echo js_escape( __(‘Expand All’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’) ); ?>’ == jQuery(this).text() ) {
jQuery(this).text(‘<?php echo js_escape( __(‘Collapse All’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’) ); ?>’);
else {
jQuery(this).text(‘<?php echo js_escape( __(‘Expand All’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’) ); ?>’);
return false;
/* ]]> */
}// Grab all posts and filter them into an array
function GetPosts() {
// If we have a cached copy of the filtered posts array, use that instead
if ( $posts = wp_cache_get( ‘posts’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’ ) )
return $posts;// Get a simple array of all posts
$rawposts = get_posts( ‘numberposts=-1’ );// Trim memory some
foreach ( $rawposts as $key => $rawpost )
$rawposts[$key]->post_content = null;// Loop through each post and sort it into a structured array
foreach( $rawposts as $key => $post ) {
$posts[ mysql2date( ‘Y.m’, $post->post_date ) ][] = $post;$rawposts[$key] = null; // Try and free up memory for users with lots of posts and poor server configs
$rawposts = null; // More memory cleanup// Store the results into the WordPress cache
wp_cache_set( ‘posts’, $posts, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’ );return $posts;
}// Generates the HTML output based on $atts array from the shortcode
function PostList( $atts = array() ) {
global $wp_locale;// Set any missing $atts items to the defaults
$atts = shortcode_atts(array(
‘usejs’ => get_option(‘car_usejs’),
‘monthorder’ => get_option(‘car_monthorder’),
‘postorder’ => get_option(‘car_postorder’),
‘postcount’ => ‘1’,
‘commentcount’ => ‘1’,
), $atts);// Get the big array of all posts
$posts = $this->GetPosts();// Sort the months based on $atts
( ‘new’ == $atts[‘monthorder’] ) ? krsort( $posts ) : ksort( $posts );// Sort the posts within each month based on $atts
foreach( $posts as $key => $month ) {
$sorter = array();
foreach ( $month as $post )
$sorter[] = $post->post_date_gmt;$sortorder = ( ‘new’ == $atts[‘postorder’] ) ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC;
array_multisort( $sorter, $sortorder, $month );
$posts[$key] = $month;
}// Generate the HTML
$html = ‘<div class=”car-container’;
if ( 1 == $atts[‘usejs’] ) $html .= ‘ car-collapse’;
$html .= ‘”>’. “\n”;if ( 1 == $atts[‘usejs’] ) $html .= ‘‘ . __(‘Expand All’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’) . “\n\n”;
$html .= ‘<ul class=”car-list”>’ . “\n”;
$firstmonth = TRUE;
foreach( $posts as $yearmonth => $posts ) {
list( $year, $month ) = explode( ‘.’, $yearmonth );$firstpost = TRUE;
foreach( $posts as $post ) {
if ( TRUE == $firstpost ) {
$html .= ‘- <span class=”car-yearmonth”>’ . sprintf( __(‘%1$s %2$d’), $wp_locale->get_month($month), $year );
if ( ‘0’ != $atts[‘postcount’] ) $html .= ‘ <span title=”‘ . __(‘Post Count’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’) . ‘”>(‘ . count($posts) . ‘)</span>’;
$html .= “</span>\n <ul class=’car-monthlisting’>\n”;
$firstpost = FALSE;
} - ‘ . mysql2date( ‘d’, $post->post_date ) . ‘: ID ) . ‘”>’ . get_the_title( $post->ID ) . ‘‘;
// Unless comments are closed and there are no comments, show the comment count
if ( ‘0’ != $atts[‘commentcount’] && ( 0 != $post->comment_count || ‘closed’ != $post->comment_status ) && empty($post->post_password) )
$html .= ‘ <span title=”‘ . __(‘Comment Count’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’) . ‘”>(‘ . $post->comment_count . ‘) cmnts</span>’;$html .= “
$html .= ‘
}$html .= ” \n \n”;
}$html .= “\n</div>\n”;
return $html;
}// Returns the total number of posts
function PostCount() {
$num_posts = wp_count_posts( ‘post’ );
return number_format_i18n( $num_posts->publish );
}// Deletes the cached filtered posts array for users using a persistent caching plugin
function DeleteCache() {
wp_cache_delete( ‘posts’, ‘clean-archives-reloaded’ );
}// Start this plugin once all other plugins are fully loaded
add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, create_function( ”, ‘global $CleanArchivesReloaded; $CleanArchivesReloaded = new CleanArchivesReloaded();’ ) );// Some backwards compatibility wrapper functions
function car_total_posts() {
global $CleanArchivesReloaded;
return $CleanArchivesReloaded->PostCount();
function clean_archives_reloaded() {
global $CleanArchivesReloaded;
echo $CleanArchivesReloaded->PostList();
function car_regenerate() {
return FALSE;
still need help.
It looks like you found a solution. If not, I use the following php tag to display the numbers of comments a posting has when postings are displayed in a table list:
<?php comments_number('0','1','%'); ?>
This only works within the Loop.
- <span class=”car-yearmonth”>’ . sprintf( __(‘%1$s %2$d’), $wp_locale->get_month($month), $year );
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