• Resolved amanamission


    I just launched a new blog, everything nice, made a test post and invited my friends to come by and comment. Now the comment box won’t enable. I have been making lots of customization, so it’s hard to track down what is causing this, exactly…but it doesn’t seem to be a setting I can change, it seems like a code glitch. Maybe plug-in problems, but I turned a few suspects off and still no comment box.
    I saw it exactly one time when I made a test comment and it worked just fine…did I disable comments when I deleted that, or is it something else?…help!

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  • Thread Starter amanamission


    Okay, this is a WORDPRESS bug and it is uncool. I reinstalled the update, everything was sweet until I set permalinks and then poof! Comments gone!
    A day wasted! And no help from any moderator!
    I like WP but this update stuff is overdone, I lost a lot of little tweaks and I have to shut my blog down without permalinks.
    I want to report this as a definite development bug:
    Permalinks causing comment error!
    But thank you WP for the nice CMS and please patch this!

    Thread Starter amanamission


    This is soooo frustrating! So I have to choose between comments and permalinks? What the h… Is there any other way to generate permalinks, they are incompatible with comments, aren’t others having this issue?
    Why aren’t the mods stepping forward with some diagnosis? Volunteers, yes, but this should be happening to others!

    While the howls of frustration do indeed elicit sympathy, please do not confuse forum moderators with WordPress designers or coders.

    Thread Starter amanamission


    Okay, I do understand the distinction. Been about twelve hours, though, and I think if this is happening to more than one person, the entire community should at least be able to advise as to the nature of the bug. That is neither here nor there. Is there anything I can do about this?

    Thread Starter amanamission


    After scouring the source code for a while longer, I see that comments are enabled and “No comments” is being displayed beneath each post.

    When the permalinks are set to “default” the comment option works just fine. The url being displayed (for the first post) is

    when set to custom permalinks it displays

    when I manually enter the “?p=1” before the “#respond”
    (showing “https://www.{my-url}.com/postname/?p=1#respond” )
    the comments work! (p=1 for post 1, p=2 for post 2 and so on)

    Therefore the active link directing to the comments page from the post page seems to be incorrect.

    I was not able to locate the source code directing that URL. Which file would it be in?

    Ideally the permalinks would be set up to post name rather than the number and the ?p=1;2;3 etc would be working as well.

    Can anyone help tell me where to find the the code directing to the comments page and how change it so that the url is correct?

    If your comments aren’t working when you have pretty permalinks, then it could be a .htaccess issue. If you have access to check, check that the .htaccess file is being updated by wordpress when you change to pretty permalinks.

    Thread Starter amanamission


    I am pretty sure that the files are being updated, because the urls for the links are changing.

    Which file, exactly, would be one affecting this?

    The URLs as in the links that are displayed will change because the database changes, but it’s the .htaccess file that will determine whether those links work or not.

    The file you would be looking for would be .htaccess in the directory that your blog main index is in.

    Thread Starter amanamission


    Well, that could have something to do with it…
    I tried to view the .htaccess file and the the message came back –
    You don’t have permission to access /consciousness/.htaccess on this server.

    I changed the perms for full access for the owner, public can read and group can read and write (public and group are set to default…)

    but the comments are still not working.

    What should the .htaccess be set to?

    Could there be another way to set the URL correct?


    Check this link, perhaps you can find something helpful..


    Well, that could have something to do with it…
    I tried to view the .htaccess file and the the message came back –
    You don’t have permission to access /consciousness/.htaccess on this server.

    Yeah. You won’t be able to view it directly through the browser, you’d have to look at it through shell access onto the server, or by downloading it in your ftp client.

    I changed the perms for full access for the owner, public can read and group can read and write (public and group are set to default…)

    but the comments are still not working.

    What should the .htaccess be set to?

    Depending on how your web hosting works, you *may* need to set it to world-writable, update your permalink style using wordpress, then set it back to user only writable.

    Could there be another way to set the URL correct?

    Not really.

    Thread Starter amanamission


    Resetting perms for .htaccess doesn’t seem to do it either! Could this be related to the version of PHP (5.2)I’m running?

    zhaval, if you see this…did you give up on permalinks or did you get it to work somehow…if you fixed it, can you please show me exactly how you did it?

    I wonder what is similar about our server configuration to cause this. Zhaval, if you are still subscribed, I’d like to brainstorm a little more, as you probably know more about this than anyone.

    I could really use a talented troubleshooter to help me get around this! I promise my blog will be really great!

    Thread Starter amanamission




    Check this link, perhaps you can find something helpful..


    Hmm…doesn’t seem to be addressing the same issue…

    I created a temporary work-around be adding the url to the comments page as part of every post…but that isn’t really a great solution, because the post url still doesn’t work – if you click on the title of a post, the url shows the post name correctly, but the page continues to display the blog homepage with all of the posts

    what does your .htaccess that is located in the root directory of your site say..

    the front page of your site loads and sends a 200 pretty much no matter what url I put in:

    https://bookofmoron.com/index1.html — for instance.

    Thats NOT normal.

    Additionally. IF you look at your source, you will see that you are using

    https://amanamission.sslpowered.com as one of your urls.

    Whats the deal with that?

    Some of your files are sending 500s (generic errors) and I suspect it’s due to whatever redirection thing/subdomain setup you have going on.


    Ive followed this thread quietly, and became hesitant to add anything to it, once you lashed out at this being a bug. I suspect its NOT a bug at all, and due to what you have set up.

    Thread Starter amanamission


    Because of the ssl certificate, my site is actually located at behind the sslpowered.

    When I first installed WP it I had the WordPress address (URL) and the Blog address (URL) (in WP Options settings) directing to https://www.bookofmoron.com but I just changed the WordPress address URL to the sslpowered thinking that that may have been part of why the .htaccess wasn’t rewriting.

    That was an test to see if I could fix it, it didn’t work, and I already changed it back.

    I am not sure how you got to “/index1.html” or why it exists at all, as the address is index.php but when I click on the link it seems to be going to the blog…

    It may be due to how I have it set up – except that everything works just fine using the default permalinks…when I use the pretty permalinks, the url for the comment fails to include a simple “?p={page number}” before the #respond.

    Whether or not it’s a WordPress bug, it is an oversight. It seems that just about everyone would want their permalinks set to post name rather than questions marks and numbers.

    The option to change the permalinks exists, but it virtually disables the functionality of the blog, because people can’t view individual posts by clicking the title, and cant respond by clicking the respond button.

    I just need some support in how to fix this – at least some evidence that anyone understands my problem.

    I’ve looked for other people having this problem, and they all seem to fix it by doing without the pretty permalinks ??

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