I understand. If you have development skills, you could probably create your own snippet fairly easily that hooks into the end of the post creation process, gets the post details (id, name etc…) and passes it to the buddypress/boss forum topic creation mechanism (of course, you’d have to use a fixed forum for all of these post/comment forum topics) and pastes a link in the normal comments.
Though, given that that would be replicating a lot of the functionality of this plugin without leveraging the various settings and prompts in each post creation sidebar, it would probably be better to just try to modify the plugin to allow what you’re looking for (automatically/manually create forum topic upon post/page creation and paste a link in the normal comments). If you succeed with this, we’d be happy to incorporate it into the official code. But it’s not something that we’d be willing to investigate and develop ourselves.
Feel free to ask any questions to orient yourself if you choose to build something like this.