Sorry – yet again I’ve not got the emails through for this forum.
I believe I’ve replied to your email, cristianiosub? If not just post up another support thread and I’ll reply there.
Depending on what length you need the comment to be, you might want to change
<input name="seatt_comment" type="text" id="seatt_comment" size="40" maxlength="40">
<input name="seatt_comment" type="text" id="seatt_comment" size="40" maxlength="150">
This will allow longer comments.
To display the comments to everyone you need to change the following on line 60 from
SELECT id, user_id
SELECT id, user_id, user_comment
and then change
$seatt_output .= '<li>' . $user_info->user_login . '</li>';
$seatt_output .= '<li>' . $user_info->user_login . ' - ' . $user->user_comment . '</li>';
Do bear in mind that if you update the script through the control panel after making changes, they will be lost. Let me know how you get on!