• OK…I’m moving along at a snails pace. My 50 year old brain is caffine enriched but that doesn’t seem to be helping a whole lot! Can someone explain the following?

      <?php get_commenters('top', 3); ?>


      • Joe Bob (75)
      • No Homepage Guy (56)
      • Suzy (41)
      • Example:
        Recent love from: <?php get_commenters('recent', 3, '', ', ', true); ?>
        Recent love from: Joe Bob,
        No Homepage Guy,
        I placed the first example in my template and I get the following on my page:
        tim (1)
        I replaced ‘top’ with ‘recent’ in the plugin template. Am I supposed to put the ‘outputs:’ section in my template as well?
        I need more coffee…

    Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
    • Scott Reilly


      WordPress & Plugin Developer

      How many commenters do you have to your site? By default, it identifies commenters by the e-mail they provide, so if no e-mail is used, then the commenter gets omitted from the listing. (commenters can also be identified by name instead). It looks like it may be treating “tim ” (with space) differently than “tim”, but my guess would be that tim posted comments using different e-mail addresses?
      You don’t need anything from the ‘outputs’ section. You just need to add something like:

        Top Commenters
        <?php get_commenters('top', 3); ?>


        Recent Commenters
        <?php get_commenters('recent', 3); ?>

      to your index.php

      Thread Starter Jabbok


      There were two Tims because I’m a Tim and I responded to a Tim. I fixed the section that had it ignore me, however, the other Tim now shows “2” comments and he only made one. It would be beneficial if you could put the commenters email, url and name so that everyone who comments would be listed. I tried that and it didn’t work. The instructions say to use only “one”.
      I guess I just didn’t understand the above examples. If the “Output” is not something I have to concern myself with then why is it there? Where does that output go?

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