• Resolved glencoma4567


    Hi Jeroen,
    I have created two AND conditions for free shipping: subtotal before tax equal or greater than $100 and weight less or equal to 25 lbs. However, when I test the shopping cart on a machine that costs $5000 and weighs 600 lbs, it still shows me free shipping. Help!


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  • Same here.
    I want the free shipping only when the subtotal of one of my shipping class is over 60€

    + Contains shipping class | Equal to | Shipping class A
    + Subtotal | Greater or equal to | 60

    The condition [Contains shipping class] is not working because it give free shipping when shipping class A (40€) + Shipping class B (20€) is over 60€.

    Plugin Author Jeroen Sormani



    @glencoma4567 make sure they’re set in the same condition group and not in ‘OR’ condition groups.

    @camusdeglace Conditions are matched separately from one another, so setting 2 conditions like that does not work like that.


    Thread Starter glencoma4567


    The heading says :”match all of the following rules to allow free shipping”. Then my conditions are listed

    1. Subtotal ex taxes – greater or equal $100
    2. Weight – less or equal 25 lbs.

    The conditions ARE in the same group, they should work together.

    Plugin Author Jeroen Sormani


    Can you post a screenshot of what you’ve got setup?


    Thread Starter glencoma4567


    Here is what I have:
    Under Shipping Zones – Free shipping – subtotal ex tax equal or greater $100
    Under Advanced Free Shipping – match one condition – weight less or equal $20 lbs.

    It looks like the first free shipping (under shipping zones) overrides the weight condition.



    I have the same problem try to combien 3 AND rules in the same group and it does not work.
    One is quantity more than 24
    Second is Country equal to France
    Third is Shipping class equal to Vin France
    When I add 1 product according to this rule + 23 other product which has not the RIGHT shipping class then the Free cost is applied. It wouldn’t.
    Thanks for your help.

    Plugin Author Jeroen Sormani



    Conditions are matched separately from one another, so setting 2 conditions like that does not work like that.

    Thread Starter glencoma4567


    Advanced free shipping reads “Match all of the following rules to allow free shipping”.
    I have :

    weight – less or equal 25 lbs
    subtotal ex tax – equal or greater $100.

    Only the subtotal based free shipping appears at checkout

    Are we supposed to have Free shipping as an option under Shipping zones AND under Advanced free shipping?

    Plugin Author Jeroen Sormani


    All configuration within the plugin is done within the Advanced Free Shipping section.

    Thread Starter glencoma4567


    I tried that too, deleted Free shipping from the Shipping zones, and put the two conditions under Advanced Free Shipping. Only the Free shipping worked, not the other condition.



    Im having the same issue with multiple conditions.

    Plugin Author Jeroen Sormani


    Posting screenshots of the setup / whats at the checkout would be the best way to show / elaborate whats happening (with a elaboration of what is expected).

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