Thanks for your quick answer, but i already looked at the pages you sent me. Maybe i should explain my ‘project’ a bit more.
As you already know, i am currently working on a school project. That project implies building a project management system: it’s basically a crud table with a project name, project number, status, priority, customer name, dropdown with all users that have the role ‘student’ and a dropdown with users only with the role as ‘coach’. You can have a look at it on my website here:
I have created a database for this crud, the project status and the project priority. So the status and the priority for a project are coming from their respectable databases. But i want to do the same thing for the selection of students and coaches. so that’s why i want to create a seperate database with only students and seperate database with only coaches. I downloaded the roles and capabilities plug-in and i created two new roles. When someone registers on my site, they can choose between student and coach role. Do you see where i’m going with this?
I hope my explanation helps, and i really hope you can help me with my project. Your plug-in is very usefull and i’m millimeters away from finishing my project. And maybe we can contact each other via another platform so that i can explain it to you in the best possible way? Anyway, thanks in advance!