Hi koppelaar!
Your question made me wonder if minification could be done a lot better and I found a solution to use Google Closure Compiler to achieve a minification result that is better than offered by most minification plugins. The solution would go a substantial step further than existing javascript minification and concatenation plugins, offering the same stability and compatibility with any server / WordPress environment but with better results from Google’s Closure Compiler and some unique optimization features from the Above The Fold plugin.
Google’s Close Compiler does not only minify javascript, it also enhances javascript for speed. There is an added benefit from using Google Close Compiler compared to standard minification.
The Above The Fold plugin is able to offer the unique feature to combine all javascript files including script injected scripts such as Google Analytics and Facebook API into a single optimized download (a feature not seen on the web yet). The solution would enable single file download for first page load performance, while loading individual scripts from localStorage when using the HTML5 script loader to achieve the best navigation speed and enabling 0 javascript file download access for returning visitors.
Regrettably the solution is to costly to make available at this time.
If you would fund it, it can be made available. The costs are 1,609 USD.
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