• Resolved torstensbuechereckede



    I‘m using the pro addon for WPSOL. I‘m having trouble with the Combine JS option and the GTranslate Plugin. As soon as I use conbine it is not working. I already disabled cache external script and I excluded the script but that does not help. Even if I exclude all Javascripts it is not working anymore as soon as combine is enabled.

    Due to the fact that JS combine is the only option from the pro addon which increases speed heavily it would be nice to get it working. As soon as combine is switched on the language switch is not working anymore.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author JoomUnited



    Thanks for contacting us.
    In the WP Speed of Light pro Addon you can exclude script from minification and compression one by one as you may have seen. So I think we can handle that.

    If you’re using the Pro Addon please drop us a ticket on our website and we’ll take a look at it.

    Thanks! cheers,

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