Sorry, Spoke too soon again. Worked well on first page I tried it on. Can’t get it to work on 2nd page. Row one…1 col with intro text. Row two, 2 col, one with index of sub pages, one with excerpts of sub pages. the 2 cols in row two are full width and stacked one above the other, not side by side. First page was done the same way and worked, 2nd page … no. Should have done more than one page before posting the above.
After disabling here’s what 1st page looks like.
<!–pixgridder:row[cols=1]–><!–pixgridder:column[col=1]–>This page contains a complete index and site map of the site. ?It is very long and may take a while to load.
<!–/pixgridder:column[col=1]–><!–pixgridder:column[col=1]–>Site Map:[sitemap_pages]
After disabling here’s what 2nd page looks like.
<!–pixgridder:row[cols=1]–><!–pixgridder:column[col=1]–>This page contains an alphabetic index of all the pages on the site and tree display showing the actual location of each of the pages. ?This page does not appear on any menu.
<!–/pixgridder:column[col=1]–><!–/pixgridder:row[cols=1]–><!–pixgridder:row[cols=3]–><!–pixgridder:column[col=1]–>Index:[catlist id=168 numberposts=-1 orderby=”title” order=”asc” ?post_type=”any” excerpt=”no”][otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-5]
<!–/pixgridder:column[col=1]–><!–pixgridder:column[col=2]–>Content:[catlist id=168 numberposts=-1?orderby=”title” order=”ASC” excerpt=”yes” excerpt_size=100 post_type=”any” date=”no” ]
As you can see, the content of both pages is built with shortcodes except for the introduction in the first row.