• Hey! Looks like this theme is brand new ??

    I am curious – is there any way to control the width of the single column? I like the style but there is an awful lot of white space on both sides, and it can’t house a 728×90 ad either, it seems.

    Is there a way I can tweak it to get a little more width?

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  • Theme Author ryansommers


    Hey Tanktronic,

    There’s no way to control the width (yet), but a 728×90 should fit. If you set the image to no alignment or align center, it should show up normally.

    If you’re seeing something different happen, is there a place I can take a look?

    Yes, the pages and posts I have are tiny and there’s a ton of space on the sides. Is there a manual way I could fix this? Maybe in the CSS?

    Theme Author ryansommers


    Hi FlourescentTurban,

    Do you have an example I could check out?

    One way to reduce the width with CSS would be something like:

    body {
    margin: 2.5em auto;
    max-width: 800px;

    Yes, on my website evanschweikert.com/about you can see the body is much smaller in width than I want it. You can see where it is and how I want it wider here: https://i.imgur.com/DwNJtAH.png?1

    With the body CSS you showed me, this is what happens, which is not what I want: https://i.imgur.com/1X0AV84.png


    Theme Author ryansommers


    Hi Evan,

    If you put that CSS at the end of the template CSS, it should look like this:

    View post on imgur.com

    If it’s not at the end of the CSS, then other rules are overriding it.

    Well I don’t want the whole body to be bigger, I just want the text to be wider and not be so constricted like in this picture: https://i.imgur.com/DwNJtAH.png?1

    How can I do that?

    I see that you fixed the issue. Can you post the solution here please.
    Additionally, I want to change the max width of the whole content area. If possible someone can help me do that. There’s a lot of css code, I’m not able to edit it as per what I need.

    Much appreciated. Thanks!

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