• Hi,

    I installed the plugin yesterday, and noticed that the column sorting function isn`t working as expected. The list of users is ordered only by the user name instead of last login date. Many of my users have logged in since the install so some of them are having actual dates shown, so theoretically it should be making some sorting.

    Best Regards,
    Csaba Czompo


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  • taras_bulba


    Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Anonymous User 8859655


    czcsabi’s wpse_27518_pre_user_query addition to function.php makes sorting work fine for me.



    How did you implement it exactly?

    Anonymous User 8859655


    I just added the code into functions.php: From the Admin menu, select Appearance/Editor, then Theme Functions (functions.php).

    function wpse_27518_pre_user_query($user_search) {
        global $wpdb,$current_screen;
        if ( 'users' != $current_screen->id )
        $vars = $user_search->query_vars;
        if('wp-last-login' == $vars['orderby'])
            $user_search->query_from .= " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->usermeta} m1 ON {$wpdb->users}.ID=m1.user_id AND (m1.meta_key='wp-last-login')";
            $user_search->query_orderby = ' ORDER BY UPPER(m1.meta_value) '. $vars['order'];

    Strange, it has worked in one of my sites, but not in another.

    It also doesn’t sort if you are in a multisite installation and are a looking at wp-admin/network/users.php . It does if your are looking the user list of one site in the network,

    Thanks roddyp

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