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  • To answer your question No. 2: You will have to change two things in the —-> bp.portfolio-screens.php

    1. Within “check the nonce” delete one condition:
    OR empty($_POST[‘url-input’])

    so that the new text is like this:
    if(empty($_POST[‘title-input’]) OR empty($_POST[‘description’])) {
    bp_core_add_message(__(‘All fields but the URL must be filled in!’, ‘bp-portfolio’), ‘error’);
    } else {


    Search for
    // Check the url
    if (!preg_match(“/(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/”, $_POST[‘url-input’])) {

    Replace with
    // Check the url
    if ((!empty($_POST[‘url-input’])) AND (!preg_match(“/(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/”, $_POST[‘url-input’]))) {

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