after upgrade to the lastest version of woocommcerce, i found the widge filter is not working as previous version.
eg for colour filter previously when you choose one particular colour all items with that colour will come up even you are in shop page or main category, now it only works in sub-category ?
Could you please attach a few screenshots that illustrate the issue along with your site’s system status report? :?)
You can find the report in WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support” (after you scroll down a bit)”. Once done, please paste it here in your reply or via a text-sharing service like
whats different by product filter by attribute and filter by attribute, and for “distant between holes” there is a show 13 more option unable to expand?
Thank you for reaching back with further information on this!
whats different by product filter by attribute and filter by attribute, and for “distant between holes” there is a show 13 more option unable to expand?
My apologies for the late reply; we’re currently experiencing a high volume of tickets.
From what I gather, the widget functionality showcased in your screenshots is not related with the core WooCommerce functionality.
For reference, I am attaching the block results I am seeing in my test installation, with WooCommerce 8.0.1 and the Storefront theme active:
To help you further, I’d like to understand more about your setup.
Could you please send me a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select Get system report and then Copy for support.
Once you’ve done that, you can paste it here or into our service and send that secret link here.
Please don’t worry about the product filter -attribute it was from woocoomerce search, but for filter-attribute and”show 13 more” in it is not clickable and show correctly on the website and by correct order