Unfortunately, we do not provide custom CSS styles as this is out of the scope of the support policy.
The approach here is the same for any plugin/theme or any element when you want to change it on the site with your own CSS styles.
You need to know the CSS, and CSS specificity with browser development tools like inspect. So you can use it to navigate to the needed elements on the site and check what classes they are using in order to apply your own custom CSS styles.
We are following the same pattern in order to style anything, as there is no documentation on the CSS.
For example, let’s take this site – https://prnt.sc/8FMffxt99jE3 as you see we used the inspect tool on the needed element and made it red, so we know that we can use those classes
.bbpress #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-author .bbp-author-name
in order to apply or own custom CSS styles on it. So with the use of those classes, we already can apply our own styles to make something like this – https://prnt.sc/i01_3MxyHKZS
We hope that this guide will help you and others as well. Once you learn how to do it, there will be no more limitations, at least in the CSS styling of any element on your site.
Best Regards – Victor