• I just changed my website, https://www.wdwparkhoppers.com to your theme. I love it. One thing I need some help with is I want to turn off the Featured Image that appears above a blog post when you read a single post. Can you share with me how t turn it off?


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  • Hey there John,

    How are you doing today?

    You should be able to remove it with some custom CSS. Since the theme has its own custom CSS tab which is located in Appearance -> Customize -> Design Options -> Custom CSS you can add the following code there:

    .single .featured-image {
      display: none;

    This should remove the image only on your single post pages.

    Please let me know if this helps ??

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter JohnCDonahue


    Good morning Bojan!

    I am doing well, how are you?

    This worked like a charm and I cannot thank you enough. It was the end of a long day and I could not figure it out and I sent out a lifeline.

    Your assistance is MUCH appreciated!

    You are awesome – John

    Hey John,

    I’m great! Happy that helped and have a great day!


    Hi All!

    Bojan, thanks for the solution but is there a way to make that thumbnail disappear on single post (which is the solution above) BUT not when you have posts listed under a category? Like if I click on [Topic] Category, it will list all the posts under that category, right…but the thumbnails won’t show up if I have the above “.single .featured-image, display: none…” You know what I mean? Thanks


    Hey Pogz,

    That should’t happen, I’ve checked this on members site above and category page doesn’t and shouldn’t have single class in body element.

    Would you mind posting link to your post and category page so I can take a look?


    I am ussing the theme colormag and none all my image shows .Can somebody help me with this.. Please. And JohnCDonahue I really like your site very good job

    Adriano T.


    mfarinas, I had the same problem, but is nothing wrong with the Colormag theme (which is great).
    Probably you put the Image in the post! To solve this, you should put the image in “Featured Image”.

    Bojan, first of all, thanks, it’s works fantastic but i’m looking also for a code to turn off them (images of posts) in the front page.

    I want to see the photos on the slide but not in all single posts previews placed in the frontpage!

    Can you understand me? My english is not so good!

    Lots of thanks!!

    Hey there Periferias,

    Your English is not that bad ??

    Would you mind posting link to your front page so I can take a look? This should definitely be possible to do with some custom CSS.


    It’s not public jet, is on my localhost so i can’t do it.
    I’ve taken some pictures but i don’t know how to show you them.

    I’ve used the code you wrote up and the photo on every page of single posts has dessapear! I’m so happy and i’m trying to do the same thing in the main page of the website, where you can place the slide.
    All the recent posts are also down, and is there where i don’t want to have photos. Only in the slide but not down where the summary of each post is.

    lots of thanks!!!!!! So quickly! ??

    It seems a little repetitive to me…

    Hey again Periferias,

    If you’re using “Your latest posts” in Settings -> Reading this should remove featured images on your home page:

    .home.blog .post .featured-image {
        display: none;

    Hope this helps ??


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