Well, since you can not share a link all we can do is share our basic trouble shooting checklist:
1. look at your js control panel, are there any errors being thrown?
2. look at your page source code, search for jquery. Is jQuery being loaded once, and only once? Is it the official version that came with WP, or is it some ancient version that a theme or plugin is force-loading?
3. Is your content being loaded dynamically (ajax) if so, is there a way to trigger a call back after the content has successfully loaded?
4. Does it work when you switch back to a standard twenty-something theme for WP?
5. Does it work when you disable all your plugins? If so, re-enable them one by one until you find the plugin that is causing the issue.
By this point you should have identified what is causing the issue.
Good luck, and let us know if you get this figured out.