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  • it *can* screw it up if you put it just anywhere… you want to replace what you already have for a category menu with the new one.

    so in the deafult theme you would goto sidebar.php and relace
    <?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0'); ?>


    < ?php echo collapsing_category_menu(); ?>

    for it to work

    Thread Starter KnicKnac


    Wow, thanks so much. In my old age that is what I need…explicit instructions!


    Not a problem.. hope ot helped some. I really love fold categories and fold pages plugins! They have helped me a lot!

    Thread Starter KnicKnac


    I hate to bother you again estjohn. I got the plugin installed…got the line put in the right place. I can even work with my categories within dashboard and made parent categories and everything, but it’s not showing up on my page, what am I doing wrong?

    Am I supposed to do something with this line in the sidebar.php?

    < ?php wp_list_cats(); ?>

    And I am also wondering if I am using the right sidebar.php? Do I use the sidebar.php that is under the current ‘theme’ I am using? That is where I put the sitemeter thing I am using and it seems to work there.

    Thanks for the help!


    I actually use this one

    I am not 100% sure about yours, but the way I am used to it is by deleting the old command

    < ?php wp_list_cats(); ?> and replacing it with the new one

    < ?php echo collapsing_category_menu(); ?>

    I dont know if the space between the < and the ? matters or not.

    According the the authors website on yours, you can use the arguements so the command you would replace the old one with would be

    <?php echo collapsing_category_menu collapsing_category_menu ( $root_id = 0, $order_by = 'cat_name', $order_dir = 'ASC', $css_li = 'page_item', $css_li_selected = 'current_page_item', $current_id = '' ); ?>

    unfortuntaely I am not as much help on this one as the one I use simply because I have used the other one more.

    Also, the end results I am used to seeing are if say you have the category of “accessories” and you have say “jewelry, bonnets and passies” as 3 sub categories under the main category or accessories, it will make it so you have to click on accessories to see the sub categories. I am still used to seeing the main category showing.

    For an example, on
    I have used it so when you click on “books” on the right it shows all the sub categories under books like Andrews, Computers, etc

    Silly question, but did you goto your plugins page and activate it too?

    Thread Starter KnicKnac


    Thank you estjohn for walking me thru that. I tried that whole new line you posted and it actually made my whole side bar disappear. I got it back! I have to head out for work but when I come home I am going to take a look at the one your using and try that one. I will let you know the results. Thanks again!

    Thread Starter KnicKnac


    Ok, I really don’t know what I am doing wrong. Do I have to undo all the categories I have already assigned to different posts and reassign them for them to work? When you look into my “manage categories” section, you are able to see that I do have child categories, but it’s not showing up on my page.

    I have installed the one that you are using estjohn, and activated it and changed the sidebar.php with the new php line, but still no go.

    Ugh. I must be missing one important step.

    Did you take out the old command and replace it with the new or did you just add the new also with the old. What version of WP do you have?

    Thread Starter KnicKnac


    Yes, and again, I really appreciate you working with me on this. I have to go away for the weekend so I am going to have to give this up until I get back on Tuesday. I will give it another go then. Thanks!

    Thread Starter KnicKnac


    Ok, I am ready to try this again, if anyone can help!

    Let me first say that the instructions say this:

    To use, simply replace the code fragment that looks like this

    <?php wp_list_cats ($args); ?>

    with this:

    <?php wswwpx_fold_category_list ($args); ?>

    My sidebar php looks like this:

    <?php wp_list_cats(); ?>

    Do you see that this is a difference? Is that a remarkable difference or one that I should not have to worry about? I am concerned that my () does not have $args in it?

    Let’s start with that ok?

    Thanks! KK

    Hi KK,

    I’m the author of the Fold Category List (and similar Fold Page List) plugin.

    If your current call to wp_list_cats is as you say, then you replace it with wswwpx_fold_category_list such that it looks similar, thus:

    <?php wswwpx_fold_category_list(); ?>

    The $args used in the documentation page can be any/all of the arguments accepted by the built-in function, or can be left out completely, as is the case with your setup.

    Hope that helps some. If not, you can contact me through the email address in the head of the Fold_Category_List plugin.

    Best regards


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