Collapsing Categories Suddenly Not Working
Since yesterday, my Collapsing Categories plugin is suddenly not working.
My site is:
I tried deactivating and reactivating it.
That didn’t work…
So I completely uninstalled it and then re-installed and
activated it again.? Unfortunately, that didn’t work either.
I don’t know what else to do.
Is there someone here who can point me in the right direction?
RichThe page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
In version 3 Collapsing Categories switched the plugin to the new gutenberg-based blocks instead of the classic widgets. Version 3 only works with themes which support gutenberg based widgets, which were released about two years ago.
I had the same problem, after install the old version everything worked again…Hi, thanks for your reply. However, not quite sure what you mean.
Are you saying there are 2 different plugins for collapsing categories?
I just deactivated and uninstalled the collapsing category and reinstalled and activated it again, and it’s still not working.
I’m not exactly sure what to do. Can you please share specific steps?Not really different plugins, but the new version (3.x) is very different from 2.x
So you have to find an older version of CC and install that one. First deactivate an remove the newer one and make sure not to update the older one.How do I find the older version when there is only one version available when I do a search for Collapsing Categories?
Hope you found it already @richoka7, but in case you did not:
You can always find older versions of plugins on if you click on “Advanced” on the start page of the plugin. Like here:
In version 3 Collapsing Categories switched the plugin to the new gutenberg-based blocks instead of the classic widgets. Version 3 only works with themes which support gutenberg based widgets, which were released about two years ago.
I had the same problem, after install the old version everything worked again…its bad!!!!!!!!!
I use simple widgets
After the update from version 2.2.7 to 3.0.8, all installed widgets disappeared and “Collapsing Categories” is no longer in the list of widgets!
WordPress 5.6.8
find in code where:
<span class=’sym’>$symbol</span>
I fix useless triangle in collapsing-categories.2.2.7 – MOD_hide-empty-cat-open – collapscatlist.php<?php /* collapsing categories version: 2.2.7 copyright 2007-2020 robert felty this file is part of collapsing categories collapsing categories is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the free software foundation; either version 2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. collapsing categories is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the gnu general public license for more details. you should have received a copy of the gnu general public license along with collapsing categories; if not, write to the free software foundation, inc., 51 franklin st, fifth floor, boston, ma 02110-1301 usa */ global $collapsCatItems; $collapsCatItems = array(); function add_to_includes($cat, $inexclusionarray) { /* add all parents to include list */ if (in_array($cat->slug, $inexclusionarray) || in_array($cat->term_id, $inexclusionarray)) { $includes[]= $cat->term_id; if ($cat->parent!=0) $inexclusionarray[]= $cat->parent; $cat2 = get_category($cat->parent); $moreincludes = add_to_includes($cat2,$inexclusionarray); if (!empty($moreincludes)) { foreach ($moreincludes as $include) { $includes[] = $include; } } $children = get_categories('child_of=' . $cat->term_id); foreach ($children as $child) { $includes[]= $child->term_id; } } return($includes); } function getCollapsCatLink($cat,$catlink) { /* returns link to category. we use the id of the category if possible, because it is faster. otherwise we pass the whole category object */ if (empty($catlink)) { $the_cat=$cat->term_id; } else { $the_cat=$cat; } if ($cat->taxonomy=='post_tag') { $link = "<a href='".get_tag_link($the_cat)."' "; } elseif ($cat->taxonomy=='category') { $link = "<a href='".get_category_link($the_cat)."' "; } else { $link = "<a href='".get_term_link($the_cat, $cat->taxonomy)."' "; } return($link); } function miscPosts($cat,$catlink,$subcatpostcount2, $posttext) { /* this function will group posts into a miscellaneous sub-category */ global $options, $collapsCatItems, $cur_terms, $cookies; $number = 0; extract($options); $show='expand'; $symbol=$expandSym; $expanded='none'; $theID='collapsCat-' . $cat->term_id . ":$number-misc"; if ((in_array($cat->term_id, $cur_terms) && $expandCatPost) || ($useCookies && $cookies[$theID]==1)) { $expanded='block'; } if ($expanded=='block') { $show='collapse'; $symbol=$collapseSym; } $miscposts=" <li class='collapsing categories expandable'>". "<span class='collapsing categories $show'>"; if(strlen($posttext)>3) $miscposts .= "<span class='sym'>$symbol</span>"; else $miscposts .= "<span class='empty none_miscPosts'> </span>"; if ( $linkToCat ) { $thislink=getCollapsCatLink($cat,$catlink); $miscposts.="</span>$thislink>$addMiscTitle</a>"; } else { $miscposts.="$addMiscTitle</span>"; } if( $showPostCount) { $miscposts.=' (' . $subcatpostcount2.')'; } $miscposts.= "\n <div id='$theID' style=\"display:$expanded\"><ul>\n" ; $miscposts.=$posttext; $miscposts.=" </ul></div></li>\n"; if ($theID!='' && !$collapsCatItems[$theID]) { $collapsCatItems[$theID] = "<ul>$posttext</ul>"; } return($miscposts); } function checkCurrentCat($cat, $categories) { /* this function checks whether the post being displayed belongs to a given category, * or if that category's page itself is displayed. * If so, it adds all parent categories to the autoExpand array, so * that it is automatically expanded */ global $autoExpand; array_push($autoExpand, $cat->slug); if ($cat->parent!=0) { foreach ($categories as $cat2) { if ($cat2->term_id == $cat->parent) { checkCurrentCat($cat2,$categories); } } } } /* TODO * add depth option * add option to display number of comments */ function getSubPosts($posts, $cat2, $showPosts) { /* returns all the posts for a given category */ global $postsToExclude, $options, $thisPost, $collapsCatItems; $number = 0; extract($options); $posttext2=''; if ($excludeAll==0 && !$showPosts) { $subCatPostCount2=$cat2->count; } else { $subCatPostCount2=0; if ( ! is_array($posts) || 0 == count( $posts ) ) { return array( 0, '' ); } foreach ($posts as $post2) { if ($post2->term_id != $cat2->term_id) continue; if (!in_array($post2->ID, $postsToExclude)) { $subCatPostCount2++; if (!$showPosts) { continue; } if (is_single() && $post2->ID == $thisPost) $self=" self"; else $self=""; $date=preg_replace("/-/", '/', $post2->date); $name=$post2->post_name; $title_text = strip_tags(__($post2->post_title), 'collapsing-categories'); $tmp_text = ''; if ($postTitleLength> 0 && strlen($title_text) > $postTitleLength ) { $tmp_text = substr($title_text, 0, $postTitleLength ); $tmp_text .= ' …'; } $linktext = $tmp_text == '' ? $title_text : $tmp_text; if ($showPostDate) { $theDate = mysql2date($postDateFormat, $post2->post_date ); if ($postDateAppend=='before') { $linktext = "$theDate $linktext"; } else { $linktext = "$linktext $theDate"; } } $posttext2.= "<li class='collapsing categories item" . $self . "'><a " . "href='".get_permalink($post2). "' title='" . esc_attr( strip_tags( $title_text ) ) . "'>$linktext</a></li>\n"; } } } return array($subCatPostCount2, $posttext2); } function addFeedLink($feed,$cat) { /* returns a link to the rss feed for a given category */ if ($feed=='text') { $rssLink= '<a href="' . get_category_feed_link($cat->term_id) . '"> (RSS)</a>'; } elseif ($feed=='image') { $rssLink= '<a href="' . get_category_feed_link($cat->term_id) . '"> <img src="' .get_option(siteurl) . '/wp-includes/images/rss.png" /></a>'; } else { $rssLink=''; } return $rssLink; } function get_sub_cat($cat, $categories, $parents, $posts, $subCatCount,$subCatPostCount,$expanded, $depth) { /* returns all the subcategories for a given category */ global $options, $collapsCatItems, $autoExpand, $postsToExclude, $totalCatPostCount, $catlink, $postsInCat, $cur_terms, $thisCatID, $cookies; $subCatLinks=''; $postself=''; $number = 0; extract($options); $link2=''; $depth++; $parent=''; if (in_array($cat->term_id, $parents)) { foreach ($categories as $cat2) { $subCatLink2=''; // clear info from subCatLink2 if ((is_category() || is_tag()) && ($cat2->term_id==$thisCatID)) { $self=" self"; $parent.=" active"; } else { $self=""; } $parent=""; if (in_array($cat2->slug, $autoExpand)) { $parent.=" parent"; } if ( is_single() ) { $the_post = get_post(); if ( $the_post != null && in_array( $cat2->term_id, wp_get_post_categories( $the_post->ID ) ) ) { $parent.=" active"; } } if ($cat->term_id==$cat2->parent) { $theID='collapsCat-' . $cat2->term_id . ":$number"; list($subCatPostCount2, $posttext2) = getSubPosts($postsInCat[$cat2->term_id],$cat2, $showPosts); $totalCatPostCount+=$subCatPostCount2; $subCatPostCount+=$subCatPostCount2; $expanded='none'; if (((in_array($cat2->name, $autoExpand) || in_array($cat2->slug, $autoExpand)) && $expandCatPost) || ($useCookies && isset($cookies[$theID]) && $cookies[$theID]==1)) { $expanded='block'; } if (!in_array($cat2->term_id, $parents)) { // check to see if there are more subcategories under this one if ($theID!='' && ( ! isset( $collapsCatItems[$theID] ) || ! $collapsCatItems[$theID] ) ) { $collapsCatItems[$theID] = "<ul>$posttext2</ul>"; } $subCatCount=0; if ($subCatPostCount2<1 AND !$showEmptyCat) { continue; } if ($showPosts) { if ($expanded=='block') { $show='collapse'; $symbol=$collapseSym; } else { $show='expand'; $symbol=$expandSym; } $subCatLinks.=( "<li class='collapsing categories expandable" . $self . $parent . "'>". "<span class='collapsing categories $show'>"); if($subCatPostCount2>0) $subCatLinks .= "<span class='sym'>$symbol</span>"; else $subCatLinks .= "<span class='empty none_subCatLinks_out'> </span>"; } else { $subCatLinks.=( "<li class='collapsing categories item" . $self . $parent . "'>" ); } $link2= getCollapsCatLink($cat2,$catlink); if ( empty($cat2->description) ) { $link2 .= 'title="'. sprintf(__("View all posts filed under %s", 'collapsing-categories'), esc_attr( strip_tags( apply_filters( 'single_cat_title', $cat2->name ) ) ) ) . '"'; } else { $link2 .= 'title="' . esc_attr( apply_filters( 'description', $cat2->description, $cat) ) . '"'; } $link2 .= '>'; if ( $linkToCat ) { if ($showPosts) { $subCatLinks.='</span>'; } $link2 .= apply_filters('single_cat_title', $cat2->name). '</a>'; } else { $link2 .= apply_filters('single_cat_title', $cat2->name). '</a>'; if ($showPosts) { $link2 .= "</a></span>"; } } } else { list ($subCatLink2, $subCatCount,$subCatPostCount2)= get_sub_cat($cat2, $categories, $parents, $posts, $subCatCount, $subCatPostCount2,$expanded, $depth); $subCatCount=1; $subCatPostCount+=$subCatPostCount2; if ($subCatPostCount2<1 AND !$showEmptyCat) { continue; } if ($expanded=='block') { $show='collapse'; $symbol=$collapseSym; } else { $show='expand'; $symbol=$expandSym; } $subCatLinks.=( "<li class='collapsing categories expandable" . $self . $parent . "'>". "<span class='collapsing categories $show'>"); if($subCatPostCount2>0) $subCatLinks .= "<span class='sym'>$symbol</span>"; else $subCatLinks .= "<span class='empty none_subCatLinks_in'> </span>"; $link2=getCollapsCatLink($cat2,$catlink); if ( empty($cat2->description) ) { $link2 .= 'title="'. sprintf( __( "View all posts filed under %s" ), esc_attr( strip_tags( apply_filters( 'single_cat_title', $cat2->name ) ) ) ) . '"'; } else { $link2 .= 'title="' . esc_attr( apply_filters( 'description', $cat2->description, $cat2 ) ) . '"'; } $link2 .= '>'; if ( $linkToCat ) { $subCatLinks.='</span>'; $link2 .= apply_filters('single_cat_title', $cat2->name).'</a>'; } else { if ($showPosts || $subCatPostCount2>0) { $link2 .= apply_filters('single_cat_title',$cat2->name) . '</a></span>'; } else { // don't include the triangles if posts are not shown and there // are no more subcategories $link2 .= apply_filters('single_cat_title',$cat2->name).'</a>'; $subCatLinks = " <li class='collapsing categories item" . $self . "'>"; } } } if( $showPostCount) { $theCount=$subCatPostCount2; $link2 .= ' ('.$theCount.')'; } $subCatLinks.= $link2 ; $rssLink=addFeedLink($catfeed,$cat2); $subCatLinks.=$rssLink; if (($subCatCount>0) || ($showPosts)) { $subCatLinks.="\n<div id='$theID' style=\"display:$expanded\">\n"; if ($subCatCount>0 && $posttext2!='' && $addMisc) { $posttext2=miscPosts($cat2,$catlink,$subCatPostCount2, $posttext2); } if (($expanded=='block' AND $showPosts) OR $subCatCount>0) $subCatLinks.="<ul>"; if ($expanded=='block') { $subCatLinks.="$posttext2"; } else { $subCatLinks.=''; } } // add in additional subcategory information $subCatLinks.="$subCatLink2"; if ( ! empty( $theID ) && empty( $collapsCatItems[ $theID ] ) ) { $collapsCatItems[ $theID ] = "$posttext2" . "$subCatLink2"; } // close <ul> and <li> before starting a new category if (($expanded=='block' AND $showPosts) OR $subCatCount>0) $subCatLinks.="</ul>"; if (($subCatCount>0) || ($showPosts)) { $subCatLinks.= " </div>\n"; } $subCatLinks.= " </li> <!-- ending subcategory -->\n"; } } } return( array( $subCatLinks, $subCatCount, $subCatPostCount ) ); } function collapscat_replace_newlines($text) { if (strpos($text,"\n")!==false || strpos($text,"\r")!==false) { $text = preg_replace("/[\r\n][\r\n]?/", "<br />", $text); } return $text; } function collapscat_catfilter($categories) { global $options; extract($options); $inExclusionArray = array(); if ( !empty($inExcludeCats )) { $exterms = preg_split('/\s*[,]+\s*/',$inExcludeCats); if ( count($exterms) ) { foreach ( $exterms as $exterm ) { $sanitizedTitle = sanitize_title(trim($exterm)); $inExclusionArray[] = $sanitizedTitle; } } } for ($i=0; $i<count($categories); $i++) { if ($inExclude=='exclude' && !empty($inExclusionArray)) { if (in_array($categories[$i]->slug, $inExclusionArray) OR in_array($categories[$i]->term_id, $inExclusionArray)) { unset($categories[$i]); } } } return $categories; } function collapscat_orderbyfilter($orderby, $args='') { global $options; extract($options); if ($catSort!='') { if ($catSort=='catName') { $orderby=""; } elseif ($catSort=='catId') { $orderby="t.term_id"; } elseif ($catSort=='catSlug') { $orderby="t.slug"; } elseif ($catSort=='catOrder') { $orderby="t.term_order"; } elseif ($catSort=='catCount') { $orderby="tt.count"; } } return $orderby; } function get_collapscat_fromdb($args='') { global $expandSym,$collapseSym, $wpdb,$options,$wp_query, $autoExpand, $postsToExclude, $postsInCat; include('defaults.php'); $options=wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($options); include('symbols.php'); $inExclusionArray = array(); if ( !empty($inExcludeCats )) { $exterms = preg_split('/[,]+/',$inExcludeCats); if ( count($exterms) ) { foreach ( $exterms as $exterm ) { $sanitizedTitle = sanitize_title($exterm); $inExclusionArray[] = $sanitizedTitle; if (empty($inExclusions)) $inExclusions = "'$sanitizedTitle'"; else $inExclusions .= ", '$sanitizedTitle'"; } } } if ( empty($inExclusions) || $inExclude=='include' ) { $inExcludeQuery = ""; } else { $inExcludeQuery ="AND t.slug NOT IN ($inExclusions)"; } if ($postSort!='') { if ($postSort=='postDate') { $postSortColumn="ORDER BY p.post_date"; } elseif ($postSort=='postId') { $postSortColumn="ORDER BY"; } elseif ($postSort=='postTitle') { $postSortColumn="ORDER BY p.post_title"; } elseif ($postSort=='postComment') { $postSortColumn="ORDER BY p.comment_count"; } elseif ($postSort=='postOrder') { $postSortColumn="ORDER BY p.menu_order"; } } if ($defaultExpand!='') { $autoExpand = preg_split('/,\s*/',$defaultExpand); } else { $autoExpand = array(); } /* Now allowing custom taxonomies, but we put this in for backwards compatibility */ if (isset($catTag) && !isset($taxonomy)) $taxonomy = $catTag; if ($taxonomy == 'tag') { $taxonomyQuery= "'post_tag'"; } elseif ($taxonomy == 'both') { $taxonomyQuery= "'category','post_tag'"; } elseif ($taxonomy == 'cat') { $taxonomyQuery= "'category'"; } else { $taxonomyQuery= "'$taxonomy'"; } /* we also need to specify post types */ $post_type_query = "AND post_type='$post_type'"; if ($olderThan > 0) { $now = date('U'); $olderThanQuery= "AND date(post_date) > '" . date('Y-m-d', $now-date('U',$olderThan*60*60*24)) . "'"; } else { $olderThanQuery = ''; } $posts = NULL; if ($showPosts) { $postsInCat=array(); $postquery= "select ID, slug, date(post_date) as date, post_status, post_type, post_date, post_author, post_title, post_name, name, object_id, t.term_id from $wpdb->term_relationships AS tr, $wpdb->posts AS p, $wpdb->terms AS t, $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt WHERE tt.term_id = t.term_id AND object_id=ID $olderThanQuery AND post_status='publish' AND tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id AND tt.taxonomy IN ($taxonomyQuery) $post_type_query $postSortColumn $postSortOrder"; $posts= $wpdb->get_results($postquery); foreach ($posts as $post) { if ( empty( $postsInCat[$post->term_id] ) ) { $postsInCat[$post->term_id]=array(); } array_push($postsInCat[$post->term_id], $post); } } add_filter('description', 'collapscat_replace_newlines'); add_filter('get_terms', 'collapscat_catfilter'); add_filter('get_terms_orderby', 'collapscat_orderbyfilter'); $args = array('order' => $catSortOrder); if ($showEmptyCat) $args['hide_empty'] = false; $categories = get_terms($taxonomy, $args); if ( ! is_array( $posts ) ) { $totalPostCount = 0; } else { $totalPostCount=count( $posts ); } if ($totalPostCount>5000) { $options['showPosts']=false; $showPosts=false; } $includeCatArray=array(); $parents=array(); foreach ($categories as $cat) { // if only including certain categories, we build an array of those // category ids if ($inExclude=='include' && !empty($inExclusionArray)) { $includes = add_to_includes($cat, $inExclusionArray); if (!empty($includes)) { $includeCatArray = array_merge($includeCatArray, $includes); } } if ($cat->parent!=0) { array_push($parents, $cat->parent); } } $includeCatArray = array_unique($includeCatArray); $postsToExclude=array(); if ($excludeAll==1) { foreach ($posts as $post) { if (in_array($post->slug, $inExclusionArray)) { array_push($postsToExclude, $post->ID); } } } // add in computed options to options array $computedOptions = compact('includeCatArray', 'expandSym', 'collapseSym'); $options = array_merge($options, $computedOptions); if ($debug==1) { echo "<li style='display:none' >"; echo "\ncollapsCat options:\n"; print_r($options); echo "\npostsToExclude:\n"; print_r($postsToExclude); echo "\nCATEGORY QUERY RESULTS\n"; print_r($categories); echo "POST QUERY:\n $postquery\n"; echo "\nPOST QUERY RESULTS\n"; print_r($posts); echo "</li>"; } remove_filter( 'get_terms', 'collapscat_catfilter' ); remove_filter( 'get_terms_orderby', 'collapscat_orderbyfilter' ); remove_filter( 'description', 'collapscat_replace_newlines' ); return(array($posts, $categories, $parents, $options)); } function list_categories( $posts, $categories, $parents, $options, $cookies ) { /* returns a list of categories, and optionally subcategories and posts, which can be collapsed or expanded with javascript */ global $collapsCatItems, $wpdb,$options,$wp_query, $autoExpand, $postsToExclude, $totalCatPostCount, $thisCatID, $cur_terms, $thisPost, $wp_rewrite, $catlink, $postsInCat, $showPostDate; $number = 0; $addMisc = false; extract($options); $collapsCatText=''; $cur_terms = array(); if (is_single()) { $tmp_terms = wp_get_object_terms($wp_query->post->ID, $taxonomy); foreach ($tmp_terms as $tmp_cat) { $cur_terms[] = $tmp_cat->term_id; } $thisPost = $wp_query->post->ID; foreach ($categories as $cat) { if (!empty($cur_terms) && (in_array($cat->term_id, $cur_terms))) { checkCurrentCat($cat,$categories); } } } if ( is_category() || is_tax() ) { $thisCatID = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id(); $thisCat = get_term($thisCatID, $taxonomy); checkCurrentCat($thisCat,$categories); } $catlink = $wp_rewrite->get_category_permastruct(); $the_post = get_post(); foreach( $categories as $cat ) { $totalCatPostCount=0; if ($inExclude=='include' && !empty($includeCatArray)) { if (!in_array($cat->term_id, $includeCatArray) && !in_array($cat->post_parent, $includeCatArray)) { continue; } } if ($cat->parent!=0 ) continue; if (is_archive() && ($cat->term_id==$thisCatID)) { $self=" self"; $parent.=" active"; } else { $self=""; } if (in_array($cat->slug, $autoExpand)) { $parent=" parent"; } else { $parent=""; } if ( is_single() && in_array( $cat->term_id, wp_get_post_categories( $the_post->ID ) ) ) { $parent.=" active"; } $rssLink=addFeedLink($catfeed,$cat); $subCatPostCount=0; $subCatCount=0; list ($subCatLinks, $subCatCount,$subCatPostCount)= get_sub_cat($cat, $categories, $parents, $posts, $subCatCount,$subCatPostCount,'none',0); if ( ! empty( $postsInCat[$cat->term_id] ) ) { list($subCatPostCount2, $posttext2) = getSubPosts($postsInCat[$cat->term_id], $cat, $showPosts); } else { $subCatPostCount2 = $cat->count; } $theCount=$subCatPostCount2 + $totalCatPostCount; if ($theCount>0 || $showEmptyCat) { $expanded='none'; $theID='collapsCat-' . $cat->term_id . ":$number"; if (((in_array($cat->name, $autoExpand) || in_array($cat->slug, $autoExpand)) && $expandCatPost) || ($useCookies && isset($cookies[$theID]) && $cookies[$theID]==1)) { $expanded='block'; } if ($showPosts || $subCatPostCount>0 || $showEmptyCat) { if ($expanded=='block') { $show='collapse'; $symbol=$collapseSym; } else { $show='expand'; $symbol=$expandSym; } $span= " <li class='collapsing categories expandable" . $self . $parent . "'>". "<span class='collapsing categories $show'>"; if($theCount>0) $span .= "<span class='sym'>$symbol</span>"; else $span .= "<span class='empty none_theCount'> </span>"; } else { $span = " <li class='collapsing categories item" . $self. "'>"; } $link=getCollapsCatLink($cat,$catlink); if ( empty($cat->description) ) { $link .= 'title="'. sprintf(__("View all posts filed under %s", 'collapsing-categories'), esc_attr( apply_filters( 'single_cat_title', $cat->name ) ) ) . '"'; } else { $link .= 'title="' . esc_attr( apply_filters( 'description', $cat->description, $cat) ) . '"'; } $link .= '>'; if ( $linkToCat ) { $link .= apply_filters('single_cat_title', $cat->name).'</a>'; if ($showPosts || $subCatPostCount>0) { $span.='</span>'; } } else { if ($showPosts || $subCatPostCount>0) { $link .= apply_filters('single_cat_title',$cat->name) . '</a></span>'; } else { // don't include the triangles if posts are not shown and there // are no more subcategories $link .= apply_filters('single_cat_title',$cat->name).'</a>'; $span = " <li class='collapsing categories item'>"; } } // Now print out the post info $posttext=''; if( ! empty($postsInCat[$cat->term_id]) ) { list ($subCatPostCount, $posttext) = getSubPosts($posts, $cat, $showPosts); } if( $showPostCount) { $link .= ' (' . $theCount.')'; } $link.=$rssLink; if ($theCount<1 && !$showEmptyCat) { $link=''; $span=''; } if ($showTopLevel) { $collapsCatText.=$span . $link; if (($subCatPostCount>0) || ($showPosts)) { $collapsCatText .= "\n <div id='$theID'" . " style=\"display:$expanded\">\n"; } } if ($showPosts) { if ($subCatPostCount>0 && $subCatLinks!='' && $addMisc) { $posttext = (miscPosts($cat,$catlink,$subCatPostCount2,$posttext)); } } /* we only actually add the posts if it is expanded. Otherwise we add the posts dynamically to the dom from a javascript array However, we can't have an empty ul, so we create one emtpy li here */ if ($postsBeforeCats) { $text =$posttext . $subCatLinks; } else { $text = $subCatLinks . $posttext; } if ($theID!='' && ! isset($collapsCatItems[$theID]) || ! $collapsCatItems[$theID] ) { $collapsCatItems[$theID] = "<ul>$text</ul>"; } if ($expanded!='block' && $showTopLevel && $showPosts) { $posttext=''; } if ($postsBeforeCats) { $text =$posttext . $subCatLinks; } else { $text = $subCatLinks . $posttext; } if ($text!='') $collapsCatText .= "<ul>$text</ul>"; if ($showTopLevel) { if ($subCatPostCount>0 || $showPosts) { $collapsCatText .= " </div>\n"; } $collapsCatText .= " </li> <!-- ending category -->\n"; } } // end if theCount>0 } return(array($collapsCatText, $postsInCat)); } ?>
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