• victoriaann


    Hi there,

    I really hope you clever people can help because I’ve been tearing my hair out over this…

    https://www.liverpoolblitz70.co.uk based on “codium extend” theme. Built in firefox/safari and all is well. But in IE the whole sidebar jumps to the far right of the page. I know sidebars resting at the bottom of the page is pretty common, but haven’t experienced anything like this before.

    Is it a problem with my css coding?

    Would greatly appreciate any help or feedback! Thank you V

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  • vlangin


    hi victoriaann,
    just ran in the same problem as yours and i realized that you solved the problem.
    Could you please tell me how you solved this issue?




    vlangin Pls post a URL.



    hi thx for quick reply,
    here you go:




    IN your style sheet there is an entry DIV.sidbar. The float: right setting is moving your side bare in IE7. It is fine in IE8.

    Instead of float you can use margin-left:695px; You will have to play with the number.



    thanks for your support and quick answer kmessinger.
    your solution works fine indeed!

    however, i’d try to go beyond this.. if possible.
    on victoriaann’s page https://www.liverpoolblitz70.co.uk
    they didn’t have to remove that definition to manage IE7 to handle the sidebar.
    is there a wrapper to put around with a fix / min-width that would help?



    ok, so i got the answer from victoriaann through mail, here it goes:
    ” a computer genius friend of mine seemed to be able to fix it by removing clear:right from div#primary so it reads div#primary{}

    The change had no effect in firefox or chrome, but fixed it in IE7 (or IE8 quirks mode)

    for myself, i found a different approach which is the following:
    add change the #wrapper to text-align: right
    remove the float: right from #sidebar
    add text-align : left; to both #wrapper and #sidebar

    it works fine on IE7, firefox & so .. and you get rid of one float which is not bad thing itself.




    Download the last build 1.0.8 it correct this IE bug…

    For the record if you don’t want to upgrade the theme :

    In header.php

    just after

    </div><!– #access –>

    <div class=”clear”></div>



    hi henry,
    thanks for the reply and update.
    i guess you are the creator of theme?
    thanks for it, it’s a good basis to build a website on it.



    You’re welcome vlangin!



    Not sure if this the same issue, but the right sidebar and navigation menu keep disappearing when i shorten the browser window. I’m using Firefox, Safari & Chrome to test. I tried the changes that vlangin suggested but have had no luck fixing the issue yet. I’m just confused by the steps that says to add ‘text-align : left; to both #wrapper’ when the first says to switch it to the right.

    Love the theme btw! The site i’m working on is https://www.storageatbudget.com. And I appreciate any help you give me. Thanks!



    Hi AndyShick it’s normal it’s the hack for ipad and mobile phone ?? so when you resize the browser window and when you reach 900px you switch on the mobile version.

    If you want to remove the mobile hack just erase /* Mobile and handheld */ in the style.css

    test the function here : https://www.code-2-reduction.fr/codiumextendpreview/



    Whoa, thanks for the quick reply! I removed that code and it works perfectly now. You rock, Henri!



    It’s because I write the theme so I know quite well ??

    Hi Henri!

    Your Codium Extend is awesome! Great job, thanks!
    I have one question. How can I disable mobile version of the site?
    I need normal version on iPad with all nav menus and the sidebar. It’s very important!

    Thank you for the help!

    Hi mr.lexus open the style.css and remove
    /* Mobile and handheld */

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