• Hey there Woo Gents –

    There is currently an issue being reported by Codestyling Localization that is preventing the included translations from being picked up by a localized install and also prevents any changes using the english file from taking effect. We have confirmed this in a few Woo themes and also our own.

    The error is:

    Loading Issue: Author is using load_textdomain instead of load_plugin_textdomain function. This may break behavior of WordPress, because some filters and actions won’t be executed anymore. Please contact the Author about that.


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  • Hi,
    The same issue with me – I just installed Codestyling Localization but it shows:
    “Error: The actual loaded translation content does not match the textdomain: woocommerce
    Expect, that any text you translate will not occure as long as the textdomain is mismatching!
    This is a coding issue at the source files you try to translate, please contact the original Author and explain this mismatch.”


    “Warning: The actual loaded translation content contains mixed textdomains and is not pure translateable within one textdomain.
    It seems, that there is code contained extracted out of other plugins, themes or widgets and used by copy & paste inside some source files.
    The affected unknown textdomains are:”

    How can I fix this?

    I use the French translation…
    This message appear for all Woo plugins and I actually have no problem using any of their plugins/extensions….

    Thank you, Touteptite!
    I will try and go ahead. I’ll post an update on how I succeeded. Or not :))

    I have the same problems of vailobox and Sumim.
    I wonder if you solved. I love the Codestyling Localization plugins and I don’t know why it doesn’t work with Woocommerce. It scans the files and finds 204 items, but then nothing is listed and I have the errors that Sumin wrote…

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