Thank you for suggestions, vaakash.
I have a several sites with thousands articles. And I’m not ready to make global replacement. It is a bit dangerous because testing, that everything were changed correctly, would be very problematic.
2nd variant doesn’t solve main problem. For working with old shortcodes still need person with access to editing php, so content-managers cann’t do this themself. And in case I double shortcodes, managing them becomes double harder. ??
But 3rd variant looks like a solution. Not as nice, as ability to use custom names like [my_shortcode_name]. But it solves all problems. So, yes, it is a solution. Thank you for idea, probably, I’ll try this.
Anyway, I hope, you will think about my situation and will find usefull to add in future versions of your great plugin support for shortcodes names like [my_shortcode_name] (as here). So your users could make a choice, which names to use. I can call a lot of situation, when this will be very usefull, not just my rare with dozens of custom shortcodes. For example, user wants to change theme, but his old theme has in-build shortcodes, which he used a lot. Or some untypical places for shortcodes, where shortcodes with parameters works bad, and is better to use just names. Users ready for a lot for getting solution in this situations, and if you give this solution, they will be happy. ??