Code escaping
I have an issue in the backend (using Prism.js).
Code escaping does not work. Using classic editor and set Content Code escaping to Admin area only.
When I paste the code it gets inserted into the post as it is.
Consequently you see nothing when you switch to Visaual.
When you switch to Text you see the original, not escaped code.
Code escaping only converts certain characters (like angle brackets) into their HTML equivalents. No highlighting is possible using the Classic Editor.
That in mind, I would be glad to take a look at your code snippet and test on default WordPress. Note, if it is a large snippet, maybe share it via any code sharing service (e.g., this one). Thank you.
This code
<div ad-type="leadboard" ad-data="picture"></div>
should be converted into this code:
& lt;div ad-type="leadboard" ad-data="picture"& gt;& lt;/div& gt;
but it is not – it remains unescaped.
It also seems code blocks do not work here on the forum – HTML entities in the code block are converted into characters.
So I added a space after & character to show the actual codeThanks I will take a closer look and try to resolve any issue.
Not sure about the code blocks here on the forum, not something I have any control over. Maybe bring it up to the forum mods?
Just to follow up with this, here is what I think is happening. When you escape code in the Admin Area (via the plugin settings), and paste your code example into the Plain Text Editor, the code is inside of a textarea, so it is escaped in the source code, in order to display correctly. For example, if you add your code and then view the page source, you will find that is escaped completely:
Updated to add: it doesn’t seem possible to add unescaped characters via the forum. The following example should have all angle brackets replaced with HTML entities.
<textarea class="wp-editor-area" style="height: 367px" autocomplete="off" cols="40" name="content" id="content"><pre><code><div ad-type="leadboard" ad-data="picture"></div></code></pre></textarea>
So then when you switch to Visual Editor, the escaped code does not change, it remains escaped (which again can be verified by examining the source code). The reason this happens is that, by default, the Visual Editor does not display any markup, only text, displayed visually. So your example:
<div ad-type="leadboard" ad-data="picture"></div>
Is escaped, but not visible when switched to Visual editing because there is only markup and no text. If you add some text, like this for example:
<div ad-type="leadboard" ad-data="picture">Some text whatever</div>
..then there will be some actual content to display visually.
Bottom line is that what you are reporting is default Visual-editor functionality. Best advice is to stick with the Plain-text editor when adding code and not switch to the visual editor.
I hope this all makes sense, let me know if I can provide any further infos.
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
Jeff Starr. Reason: changes angle brackets to entities
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
Jeff Starr. Reason: adds note
Thanks for the explanation but it doesn’t help.
If I use the default WP Gutenberg editor escaping works as it should. I select Prismatic block, paste code, select language and the pasted code is escaped as it should be. I can switch between visual and code editor and it just works.
When I activate the Classic Editor plugin the escaping doesn’t work as explained above.
I use the plugin on all sites so it is an issue.When I click on Prism.js code button
a pop-up window opens, I select the language and paste the code.
The code is NOT escaped!
However, I remember few months ago this used to work.And it should work otherwise you can’t use the plugin with the classic editor.
When the code is pasted into text editor (source code) it gets inserted into the post as it is pasted. Of course, internally it may be escaped to display properly on the editor page.
However, the problem is that when I paste the code into Prismatic window it doesn’t get escaped in the editor – but it should.
Please activate the Classic Editor plugin to reproduce the problem.
Absolutely will investigate as time allows. For this:
However, I remember few months ago this used to work.
If you knew specifically which version(s) of the plugin that would help quite a bit.
And it should work otherwise you can’t use the plugin with the classic editor.
Incorrect. I use Prismatic on my own sites using the Classic Editor. It works great. What does not work great, as explained in my previous reply, is switching between Plain Text and Visual editing modes. But just editing in plain-text the code is escaped just fine, I’ve written hundreds of code-related tutorials this way. In fact, I develop Prismatic and Disable Gutenberg specifically for the purpose of sharing code snippets via the Classic Editor/Plain-Text.
the problem is that when I paste the code into Prismatic window it doesn’t get escaped in the editor
This is a separate issue than what has been discussed above. Thanks for sharing this information. I will take a look and try to get code escaping to work in the little popup window when using the Classic/Visual Editor.
Please activate the Classic Editor plugin to reproduce the problem.
I use Disable Gutenberg because it has more options. But yes, I have recreated the issue using Classic/Visual Editor, thank you.
Sorry, I’m not sure when exatly it used to work.
A lot of plugins and WP have been updated in the last few months.Thanks for help.
Just to follow up with this, the reported issue is resolved in the next plugin update. Should be available later today or tomorrow. Thanks again for reporting, @spacetime.
Thank you very much for the update.
But I didn’t notice any change. The code is still inserted unescaped.I insert this code via the Prism button in visual editor:
<script type="text/javascript"> amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "test-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "78a14d38097e7c5b53b60cef1b7cb4e3"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01DOP5L4M,B071ZR9H5T,B00TV1A6IA,B001LUJBZ8"; </script> <script src="//"><;/script>
This is what is inserted – no escaping:
<pre><code class="language-markup"><script type="text/javascript"> amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "test-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "78a14d38097e7c5b53b60cef1b7cb4e3"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01DOP5L4M,B071ZR9H5T,B00TV1A6IA,B001LUJBZ8"; </script> <script src="//"></script></code></pre>
Consequently instead of the code text, the scripts get inserted into the content.
Using the latest version of Prismatic with Classic Editor Visual mode, I add your example code snippet via the “Add Prism.js code” button. The results are escaped and display correctly. I can provide a video if necessary.
Well, it does not work in my case.
I tried to disable plugins that may interfere and it seems that it does not work when Advanced Editor Tools is enabled.Please check with Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced) plugin activated.
I will look into it. Likewise, please try again with no other plugins active.
Just tested with Advanced Editor Tools and it works normally. Here are some screenshots that show what I am seeing:
Again this is with Advanced Editor Tools active, on default WP using the default Twenty Fifteen theme. I get the same results with or without Advanced Editor Tools.
Tested again and now it works properly. It seems I had to flush the cache.
That’s great, glad you figured it out.
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
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