• Ok, I feel like a complete idiot. I’ve read the documentation and almost every post in this forum, but I still don’t know what code to enter where to get this to work. Someone please help!

    I have a pet lost and found website. Users can register and then post their lost or found pets via a Gravity Form (Form ID=1). The form has a Post Category field where they can select the category (Lost Dogs, Lost Cats, etc.) Then it has a lot of Standard Fields where they enter their pet’s info, their contact info, etc. Then there are 3 Post Image fields where they can also upload up to three photos. The 1st photo they upload is set to be the featured image. Finally there is the Captcha, followed by the Post Title and Post Body.

    The Post Title automatically fills with data from various fields in the form ({Post Category:1} {Pet\’s Name:2} {Gender:4}, etc.)

    The Post Body does the same, but in a table format so that the images are on the left side and all of the info is on the right side.

    I want the users to be able to login and edit their postings, including the photos, or delete their postings entirely, via a couple of links or buttons below their postings. But I cannot figure out what code or what shortcode to insert where to get this to work.

    I was able to get the Edit Post link to appear by putting the shortcode [gform_update_post_edit_link] in the Post Body field below everything else. However, when clicked, it just takes me back to the original post with no way to edit it.

    Can anyone help me? Thanks so much in advance.


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  • I’m having the same issue, not much info on where to start.

    mee too ??

    Thread Starter hmgh


    Can ANYONE in these forums help? Please?

    Thread Starter hmgh


    Seriously, NOBODY is able to offer any direction?

    Plugin Author Jupitercow


    I am going to run some test tomorrow on this, and then see how the process can be explained better. Sorry for the confusion.

    Thread Starter hmgh


    Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter hmgh


    Or if any of the other plugin authors, or users who have gotten this plugin to work, could chime in. I’d LOVE to get it up and working on my site. I’d even be willing to pay someone a modest fee to get it working.


    Plugin Author Jupitercow


    I am working on a number of updates, and some new documentation, but the new update should help simplify adding a form now.

    First. Now it works a little harder to only show edit links and forms to users who actually have the right to see them. At least through the shortcodes.

    Also. You can make the form and edit links work together better by requiring the edit link be submitted before the form shows.

    So now you can add the below shortcodes to a post and only the link will show up when a user has the right to edit the post and the form will only show up once the link has been clicked on.

    [gravityform id="1" title="true" description="true" update require_link]

    This is very basic, but also allows a very basic starting point that works a little more like people expect I think. This would make the post editable on its own page.

    The new attribute for the shortcode is: require_link.

    This will get better documented later in the week along with some other updates.

    Thread Starter hmgh


    In testing this shortcode, it opens the form under the original post. Is there a way to have it open the form in a new page without the original post? Also, is there a way to have it autofill all of the previous form fields? Otherwise, people may think they are filling out a whole new form. I hope this makes sense.

    Plugin Author Jupitercow


    Hmmm. It sounds like it isn’t working right for you. I really need to finish updating the documentation… I hope to have some big updates on that this weekend…

    It should fill in all the form fields unless something is wrong…

    Plugin Author Jupitercow


    To get it to open in a new page, you would want to set up a page with its own form set up to edit. and then update your edit link to point to that page and send the current post’s id in that link. This is what I need to cover in the new documentation…

    Thread Starter hmgh


    Very good, thanks for the quick reply. I’ll be looking for the new documentation. ??

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