Hi Artem,
Thanks for your reply.
I’m really excited about this amazing plugin, but unfortunately, I can’t use it ??
I’m on a shared hosting, with no SSH access.
I also wonder how to apply the steps you mentioned on the post you refered me to. You mention on it (use SSH or PuTTY – your hoster can help you with that). If I’m not misunderstanding, both need SSH.
When I open corn job section on my cPanel, I just find: Add New Cron Job, then I have to choose a time frame for this job, ie.. every hour, every day, etc.. and then I have to add a single line on the command field.
it might be trivial issues to you as geeks, but I’m some kind of a junior and not even a developer ??
I can get another server with the following specifications “MySQL 5.0 PHP 5.2.17”, do you think it can work with ClouSE? I also wonder can this work with wordpress 3.5.1?
and isn’t there any other way to install clouse?