• Hello,

    I just joined the free version of CloudFlare, and also installed the CloudFlare WordPress plugin on my server.

    I am a little confused.

    I also have the WP Super Cache plugin installed as well.

    The reason why I joined CloudFlare in the first place is because I assumed — perhaps erroneously so — that it is a CDN, and I thought that upon joining CloudFlare, I would be given a URL that I can use in the CDN section of WP Super Cache’s setup.

    Am I mistaken about this, or am I correct to assume that CloudFlare is not a CDN per se, and therefore, there is no URL that I can put in WP Super Cache’s “Off-site URL” field, and as such, I should not enable CDN support in WP Super Cache until I find an actual CDN?

    If CloudFlare is not a CDN, can anyone suggest a free, easy-to-set-up CDN that I can use with WP Super Cache?

    I looked at Google’s appEngine, but it was very confusing to me, and I wasn’t even sure how to proceed.

    Thanks so much.


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  • Hi armin3000,

    Are you still seeing the same issue if you temporarily turn CloudFlare off (settings->Pause CloudFlare)? It is a quick way to test to see if CloudFlare is the cause.

    Thank you. Good suggestion ??
    I paused cloudflare and problem solved. So the problem is related to cloudflare!
    I’ve also added a rule for wp-admin 10 hours ago but no difference.

    Do you have something like Auto Minify enabled at both CloudFlare and the plugin?

    Hard to look at the CloudFlare settings without knowing the domain.

    enabled features in wp-super cache:
    Advanced tab:
    All recommended radio boxes except ” Compress pages so they’re served more quickly to visitors” are enabled.
    CDN: off
    preload: disbaled.

    Cloudflare settings:
    Caching level: Aggressive
    Auto Minify (Web optimization): Js, CSS, HTML all enabled.
    Rocket Loader: off

    There is no other optimization or minifying plugin installed.

    Try turning off the CloudFlare Auto Minify options (notably JS and HTML).

    I think yesterday’s pause/resume solved the problem!! it’s now working. If the problem repeat again I will disable JS and HTML minify.
    Thak you for your help ??

    Glad to help!

    If you notice certain things happening on certain URLs on the site because of optional features, I wanted to highlight that you can create Page Rules to exclude URLs from CloudFlare (can help in other situations).


    I need help! I have been using cloudflare and i dont know whats the reason. Recently my website has started to get laggy in updates. I make changes from admin panel like putting ads somewhere or changing teh coding for instance like disable the main slider. The changes reflect in some browsers in a while and in other it doesnt. Whats the reason? can anyone help me. I mean what could be the issue? is it cloudflare or something else??? i didnt even try my own webhosting. One day one i changed my nameserver…. dont know the technical details just did it…



    Is the domain running through CloudFlare? If so, you need to enable Development Mode so the changes appear (you can also purge your CloudFlare cache).

    Note: You may also need to purge cache with certain caching plugins as well.

    im seriously torn on which of these services to keep, W3TC or CloudFlare. But my site has made it clear that I can’t do both. I’ll encounter a small problem that instantly resolves by disabling one or the other …. with both, something is off, ie. title text layers in php sliders piling up on top of one another on pre-load, social media ‘share this’ type doo dads disappearing into thin air

    im interested in opinions as to which you’d keep if you had to choose.

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