• hello, I’m quite suprised that WP applies font-size directly to items in the tag cloud list (format=list).

    It’s terrible to not separate style from content. I understand that tag clouds are unique, but we should have the ability to turn off sizing all together. Or give us another tag to generated a list of tags.

    Using smallest=12&largest=12&unit=px yields a list that can’t be resized by visitors who set a large font-size in their browser as a reading aide. And, it stills applies 13px to the most common tag.

    Using smallest=1&largest=1&unit=em gives the most common item 2em.

    Please give us the ability to turn off font sizing!

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  • Good suggestion. I guess someone was thinking it wouldn’t be a “cloud” without the sizing. But really it would be better conceived as a “tag list” that can be styled in the popular cloud style.

    My guess is someone could make a plugin to do what you want, more quickly than we’re likely to see this change in regular WP. Then again, if this were actually considered a “bug” not a feature, it might get fixed sooner. You can make bug reports to TRAC but I don’t know if this is a bug or not.

    You can post Ideas and other people can give-stars to agree, here:

    try that!


    someone had the same problem here.

    The solution from there, if you want a listed output, might look something like this:

      $tags = get_tags(array('orderby' => 'count', 'order'=> 'desc'));
      <li class = "blogtags">
      foreach($tags as $tag)
        echo '<li><a href = "' . get_tag_link($tag->term_id) . '" rel = "tag">' . $tag->name . '</a></li>';

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