Hi there,
Thanks a lot for your answer. I manages to resolve the issue when editing directly the file of the plugin.
However I guess this is only a temporary solution as once I update the plugin it would always reappear. The plugin is called Seraphinite Accelerator and they use a banner in the footer to promote their plugin. I totally respect that but this really harms my brand image. Therefore with a bit of coding I guess it could have been resolved. Now what I did was directly edit the code here and put in “none” where there was “inline-block” or “block” to stop the banner from showing.
Unfortunately I did not manage to do this using code snippets. Maybe you want to have a look at it?
if( $ctxProcess[ 'mode' ] == 'full' )
$itemhuddqr = HtmlNd::Parse(
Ui::Tag( 'a',
Ui::TagOpen( 'img', array( 'src' => '', 'alt' => Wp::GetLocString( 'Seraphinite Accelerator', null, 'seraphinite-accelerator' ), 'style' => array_map( $ctxProcess[ 'isAMP' ] ? function( $v ) { return( $v ); } : function( $v ) { return( '' . $v . '!important' ); }, array( 'display' => 'none', 'vertical-align' => 'top', 'position' => 'absolute', 'width' => 'auto', 'height' => 'auto' ) ) ) ) .
Ui::Tag( 'span', sprintf( __( 'BannerText_%s', 'seraphinite-accelerator' ), Wp::GetLocString( 'Seraphinite Accelerator', null, 'seraphinite-accelerator' ) ) . Ui::TagOpen( 'br' ) . Ui::Tag( 'span', Wp::GetLocString( 'Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.', null, 'seraphinite-accelerator' ), array( 'style' => array_map( $ctxProcess[ 'isAMP' ] ? function( $v ) { return( $v ); } : function( $v ) { return( '' . $v . '!important' ); }, array( 'font-size' => '0.7em' ) ) ) ), array( 'style' => array_map( $ctxProcess[ 'isAMP' ] ? function( $v ) { return( $v ); } : function( $v ) { return( '' . $v . '!important' ); }, array( 'display' => 'none', 'text-align' => 'left', 'vertical-align' => 'top', 'font-size' => '16px', 'padding-left' => '36px' ) ) ) ) .
( !$ctxProcess[ 'isAMP' ] ? Ui::Tag( 'script', '(function(){var c=document.currentScript.parentNode;setTimeout(function(){var x=new window.XMLHttpRequest();x.onload=function(){if(this.status==200&&this.responseText=="f")c.outerHTML="";};x.open("GET","?seraph_accel_gbnr",true);x.send()},0)})()', array( 'seraph-accel-crit' => '1' ) ) : '' )
, array( 'href' => Plugin::RmtCfgFld_GetLoc( PluginRmtCfg::Get(), 'Links.FrontendBannerUrl' ), 'target' => '_blank', 'style' => array_map( $ctxProcess[ 'isAMP' ] ? function( $v ) { return( $v ); } : function( $v ) { return( '' . $v . '!important' ); }, array( 'display' => 'none', 'clear' => 'both', 'text-align' => 'center', 'position' => 'relative', 'padding' => '0.5em', 'background-color' => 'transparent', 'color' => '#000', 'line-height' => 1 ) ) ) )
if( $itemhuddqr && $itemhuddqr -> firstChild )
if( $item = $doc -> importNode( $itemhuddqr -> firstChild, true ) )
$ctxProcess[ 'ndBody' ] -> appendChild( $item );