• Hi and thank you so much for a wonderful form creation tool. About to convert all our CF7 forms to Caldera – much easier for my not so tech savy colleagues to maintain.

    In that process, I’m cloning forms a lot. And it puzzles me, that the settings under the “Email”, “Form settings” tab isn’t copied, but replaced with the defeault caldera information. That includes the fields

    • From Name
    • From E-mail
    • Reply To Email
    • Email Type
    • Email Recipients
    • BCC
    • Email Subject
    • Email Message
    • Success Message

    … so I’m copying/pasting those fields by hand, one by one.

    Luckily, the “Processors” tab is cloned automatically.

    It would be cool, if the listed fields also would be cloned, or if it was possible to define the default values somewhere.

    Kind regards,
    Bjarne Oldrup

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  • Plugin Author Josh Pollock


    Thanks for using Caldera Forms.

    If you would like to make a feature request, please open an issue here: https://github.com/CalderaWP/Caldera-Forms/issues

    I appologize that WordPress does not give us a way to make this more clear.

    Bjarne, I don’t know if you’re still looking for a way to make that easier 5+ months later, but I was setting up a site with Caldera Forms that will be maintained mostly by less tech-savvy colleagues and trying to minimize the steps they’d need to take to create a form. I set up a “template to copy” example form with the basic format and fields I’d used in the other ones so they could clone and modify it as needed, but as you found, that doesn’t take the email or general form settings with it. In my case, I wanted most of those settings to be the same by default for every form, whether someone was cloning the template or another existing form, or creating one from scratch, so I finally pieced together the right bit of code to modify the default values. (I’m building a custom theme for this site so just stuck it in there, but it could go in a child theme’s functions.php or a standalone plugin.)

    /* Customize Caldera Forms' default settings */
    function my_new_form_default_settings($form){
    	$form['success'] = 'Thank you, your form has been submitted. We will be in touch within 2-3 business days.';
    	$form['db_support'] = 1;
    	$form['pinned'] = 1;
    	$form['pin_roles'] = 'editor';
    	$form['scroll_top'] = 1;
    	$form['mailer'] = array (
                    'enable_mailer' => 1,
                    'sender_name' => '%first_name% %last_name%%name% (via Caldera Forms)',
                    'sender_email' => '[email protected]',
                    'reply_to' => '%email%',
                    'email_type' => 'html',
                    'recipients' => '[email protected]',
                    'bcc_to' => '[email protected]',
                    'email_subject' => $form['name'],
                    'email_message' => '{summary}',
    	return $form;
    add_filter('caldera_forms_create_form', 'my_new_form_default_settings', 10, 1);
    /* Force entry saving for all Caldera Forms */
    add_filter( 'caldera_forms_get_form', function( $form ){
    	$form[ 'db_support' ] = 1;
    	return $form;
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