I am having the same issue on my test site at testing.avnation.tv. I am running WordPress when I click on the link to Search and Register which directs me to https://testing.avnation.tv/wp-admin/admin.php?page=mediafromftp-search-register
I eventually get a 404 Error of the page is not found. All of the other pages work correctly.
My site is WordPress 4.7.1 running GeneratePress theme. I do not have a cache plugin or service. I have disabled all of the PLugins except for the GeneratePress Plugin. I have also changed the theme to twenty seventeen and turned off all but the Media From FTP Plugin. Unfortunately the page still does not load.
I have attempted to process with multiple browsers as well.
It did work approximately three weeks ago. I am also curious if there is a requirement for what user or group owns the media content directory on a linux server of if that does not matter.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
bradfordbenn. Reason: Additional information