• My question is exactly explained in this post from the old forums:


    With s2M and Clickbank properly configured, this is exactly what happens. Client makes purchase, gets redirected to success page (this all happens on CB’s side) but doesn’t read the “CLICK HERE TO ACCESS YOUR PRODUCT” that will lead them to s2M success page and just closes the browser.

    The client has not YET accessed their product!

    Then they receive the clickbank receipt email that also says “CLICK HERE TO ACCESS YOUR PRODUCT”. They click to access their product and the link gets them to the s2M success page but they now receive a Duplicate Return-Data ERROR message.

    Client hasn’t accessed their product, they’re confused and mad, and I get a lot of support tickets demanding me to manually create the access links for these people.

    How can this be sorted out? If the client hasen’t accessed the s2M success page in the first time, it should not tell them that the data is duplicate.


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