Hi @3dmodelfree,
You should definitely look at the FAQ tab inside the plugin settings, all these questions are already answered there. Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/DxT4pZU.png
Here is a quote:
Fallback Cache is an option to generate static HTML version of the webpages inside your site. This is a great option and can increase your site speed dramatically. The way Cloudflare works is that it will only cache a page to it’s global CDN network if it has received any request for those pages. So, if you don’t have fallback cache, for the first few requests, your server will be executing the pages and sending the HTML to the user, which increases slowness and latency.
Our fallback cache system follows the same standard that Cloudflare follows when it caches a page to it’s CDN edge. This way we generate the HTML version of the webpage before an user has requested for that page. By doing this, when any user access the webpage for the first time, the page loads super fast as it is already loading a rendered HTML rather than waiting for the server to generate HTML and pass that to the users.
Our fallback cache system works way better than any other disk cache system and plugins out there in the market. In short now you don’t need to install any other caching plugin in conjunction with WP Cloudflare Super Page Cache, as the plugin can now handle Cloudflare caching and disk caching.
In short, if you have fallback cache enabled and you have just now purged the whole cache or something, when a page will receive it’s very first GET
request the plugin will take the HTML of the page and follow the same guidelines as Cloudflare and create a fallback disk cache of that page. So for the second request the server don’t have to generate the page and instead the HTML page from the fallback disk cache will be provided to the user.
By this time Cloudflare will supossetly cached that page into their system and from that point on it will be transferred from cloudflare edge cache. Again when the cache expires at cloudflare edge and a request comes the page will be shown from the fallback cache and then again cloudflare will cache it and the cycle continues.
Please read the questions in the FAQ tab inside the plugin settings and you will have the answer to most of the common questions.