@gabelivan thanx for geting back to me so soon.
so you can recreate my issue i have done the following.
All Plugins are disabled except for WP Rocket and Asset cleanup.
I use following Versions of the Plugins / Theme:
Theme: Astra and Twenty Nineteen
Asset Cleanup : (as of today)
WP Rocket:
Wordpress: 5.2.2
Steps to recreate my issue with clear cache Notice.
1) go to plugins Page (deactivate all Plugins)
2) Tick WP Asset Cleanup and WP Rocket and Bulk activate
3) now that Both plugins have been activated you should see two Notice infos at the top of the Page. One is Orange and says ” WP Rocket: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site.” and the second one is green an says ” Selected plugins activated” .
4) Click the “X” on the Green Notice. (notice should disappear)
5) On the Orange Notice click on the Button that says “Clear Cache” You should now get a new green Notice that says ” WP Rocket Cache cleared” but the Orange Notice is still there.
6) Now disable only WP Asset Cleanup Plugin
7) Klick on the Clear Cache Button in the Orange Notice and now it should be gone.
8) Activate any other Plugin (autoptimize for example) The orange notice returns but if you click on the Clear Cache Button it disappears as it should.
9) Activate WP Asset cleanup again. The orange Notice will return but if you click on it we have the same issue as before.
Now as far as i noticed this affects the way WP Rocket’s clear cache function works. Yes you do get the notice that cache is being cleared but I have the impression it is not.
If for example autoptimize is also active wit Wp Rocket and Asset Cleanup then clicking the clear cache button on WP Rocket does not clear the Autoptimize cache.
When WP Asset cleanup ist deactivated it does clear the cache of Autoptimize.
I hope this will help you find the issue/ if one exists
second Issue
Unloading “jQuery Migrate” and “Comment Reply” in “Site-Wide Common Unloads”
I use following Plugins / Theme:
Theme: Astra and Twenty Nineteen
jQuery Updater : 3.4.1
Asset Cleanup : (as of today)
Wordpress: 5.2.2
Steps to recreate what I am seeing:
1) All Plugins Deactivated only activate Asset Cleanup
2) in Asset Cleanup site Wide common Unloads enable “JQuery Migrate” and “Coment Reply” and save.
3) Open any Page for Editing ( I used my Frontpage)
4) Now without changing anything on the page just click on Update.
5) Return to asset “cleanup Common Unloads” in Plugin Setting you should now see that both options we set before are now unset again.
The same thing happens with “JQuery Migrate” if You edit the setting directly on a Page.
1) make sure a function or plugin is loaded that uses “JQuery Migrate” (I used Jquery Updater)
2) open any Page ( I use my Frontpage)
3) Click “Unload site-wide (everywhere) * bulk unload” Checkbox and update the Page.it should now show you that the file is unloaded. (red color)
4) without changing anything on the page press update again now you should see that the Plugin has been re enabled. (normal color)
5) If you where to only set the ” Unload on this page” option double saving page does not unload the plugin. So every thing works like it should.
This seems to Only happens with those two files so far.
Hope my info helps
Best regards